Nordea Inst FIS High Yield Bond BXHS SEK

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 376
All-time Average Score: 252
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 314 0 224 0 -1.92% Unknown 0.32 $134,370,617
September / 2015 314 -62 224 -17 -1.92% Unknown 0.32 $134,370,617
August / 2015 252 54 241 -8 -0.32% Unknown 1.31 $135,422,137
July / 2015 306 34 249 12 0.22% Unknown 2.11 $114,556,510
June / 2015 340 -31 237 -15 -0.58% Unknown 1.60 $118,137,967
May / 2015 309 -16 252 -3 0.29% Unknown 2.57 $115,398,765
April / 2015 293 53 255 12 0.59% Unknown 2.63 $117,737,683
March / 2015 346 -13 243 -16 -0.09% Unknown 2.39 $113,330,186
February / 2015 333 -53 259 7 1.25% Unknown 2.85 $117,280,322
January / 2015 280 126 252 10 0.33% Unknown 2.39 $116,785,089
December / 2014 406 -35 242 -14 -0.45% Unknown 2.32 $123,000,199
November / 2014 371 -75 256 -7 0.09% Unknown 3.33 $129,966,131
October / 2014 296 237 263 17 0.94% Unknown 3.72 $130,579,553
September / 2014 533 -179 246 -20 -0.96% Unknown 3.82 $132,810,940
August / 2014 354 9 266 13 0.48% Unknown 5.76 $138,660,142
July / 2014 363 72 253 -14 -0.28% Unknown 5.35 $139,306,525
June / 2014 435 -85 267 4 0.37% Unknown 6.77 $144,312,585
May / 2014 350 -38 263 0 0.34% Unknown 5.19 $143,836,238
April / 2014 312 54 263 -2 0.36% Unknown 4.91 $146,996,925
March / 2014 366 20 265 -3 0.36% Unknown 5.56 $147,224,240
February / 2014 386 -50 268 5 0.80% Unknown 5.22 $148,478,131
January / 2014 336 104 263 -4 0.26% Unknown 5.31 $144,138,247
December / 2013 440 1 267 1 0.54% Unknown 5.66 $146,525,869
November / 2013 441 55 266 16 0.47% Unknown 5.88 $143,210,497
October / 2013 496 59 250 2 1.04% Unknown 5.93 $143,971,775
September / 2013 555 -142 248 7 0.88% Unknown 4.78 $143,558,126
August / 2013 413 56 241 -9 0.09% Unknown 5.35 $137,690,674
July / 2013 469 24 250 5 1.06% Unknown 6.08 $139,718,658
May / 2013 493 0 245 New 0.07% Unknown 8.40 $137,482,550


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Nordea Inst FIS High Yield Bond BXHS SEK's best month was February 2015, ranked #333 with a HedgeScore of 259 earning a 1.25% positive return of $1,466,004.

Nordea Inst FIS High Yield Bond BXHS SEK's worst month was December 2015 , ranked #314 with a HedgeScore of 224 taking a -1.92% loss of -$2,579,916.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!