Polar Capital ALVA Glb Convertible USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 967
Current Score: 138
Current Rank: 967
All-time Average Rank: 1391
All-time Average Score: 149
Max Drawdown: -2.19
Annualized Standard Deviation: 1.89
Year to Date Return: 0.62
5-Star Rating: 1.89

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 967 197 138 -3 0.20% Unknown -0.73 19.82
April / 2016 1164 -409 141 -13 0.32% Unknown -0.81 19.08
November / 2015 755 371 154 22 -0.16% Unknown 1.84 29.27
August / 2015 1126 66 132 -11 -0.43% Unknown 0.50
July / 2015 1192 -684 143 -68 0.34% Unknown 0.45
June / 2015 508 689 211 67 -0.89% Unknown 0.26 $47,800,000
May / 2015 1197 -28 144 -7 0.12% Unknown 0.88
April / 2015 1169 111 151 11 1.10% Unknown 1.04
March / 2015 1280 70 140 0 0.53% Unknown -0.02
March / 2015 1350 -101 140 0 0.92% Unknown -0.30
January / 2015 1249 102 140 4 0.08% Unknown 0.33
December / 2014 1351 120 136 -4 -0.05% Unknown 0.25
November / 2014 1471 -55 140 3 -0.14% Unknown 1.75
October / 2014 1416 1427 137 0 -0.26% Unknown 1.22
September / 2014 2843 -1361 137 -6 -0.81% Unknown 2.69
August / 2014 1482 -169 143 -11 -0.47% Unknown 4.73
July / 2014 1313 1000 154 7 0.15% Unknown 6.21
June / 2014 2313 -918 147 -7 -0.27% Unknown 7.21
May / 2014 1395 -92 154 1 0.28% Unknown 5.82
April / 2014 1303 208 153 -5 0.05% Unknown 8.07
March / 2014 1511 -162 158 -9 0.24% Unknown 10.29
March / 2014 1349 17 167 13 1.56% Unknown 10.74
January / 2014 1366 129 154 -13 0.00% Unknown 9.78
December / 2013 1495 98 167 17 1.26% Unknown 11.62
November / 2013 1593 -67 150 2 -0.66% Unknown 11.57
October / 2013 1526 177 148 1 1.19% Unknown 12.82
September / 2013 1703 -292 147 3 1.16% Unknown 11.63
August / 2013 1411 83 144 8 0.93% Unknown 10.40
June / 2013 1494 -66 136 -17 0.00% Unknown 11.75
May / 2013 1428 0 153 New 2.42% Unknown 13.53


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Polar Capital ALVA Glb Convertible USD's best month was May 2013, ranked #1428 with a HedgeScore of 153 earning a 2.42% positive return.

Polar Capital ALVA Glb Convertible USD's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #508 with a HedgeScore of 211 taking a -0.89% loss of -$425,420.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!