KLP Alfa Global Energi

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 712
All-time Average Score: 208
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 344 118 220 9 1.27% Unknown 0.76 $100,880,102
October / 2015 462 -118 211 -9 -0.94% Unknown 4.39 $100,737,808
September / 2015 344 210 220 32 1.27% Unknown 0.76 $100,880,102
August / 2015 554 -171 188 -47 -2.92% Unknown 0.31 $101,334,001
July / 2015 383 -22 235 2 2.49% Unknown 3.63 $107,674,343
June / 2015 361 282 233 33 2.75% Unknown 1.99 $108,543,939
May / 2015 643 249 200 25 0.27% Unknown -1.04 $106,588,764
April / 2015 892 -354 175 -39 -2.59% Unknown -2.61 $110,003,314
March / 2015 538 121 214 2 0.85% Unknown 0.39 $105,593,800
February / 2015 659 194 212 34 1.45% Unknown -0.05 $110,583,904
January / 2015 853 -232 178 -33 -1.30% Unknown -3.17 $107,309,099
December / 2014 621 35 211 -3 1.06% Unknown -0.20 $112,386,108
November / 2014 656 342 214 40 2.10% Unknown -0.79 $119,009,207
October / 2014 998 -446 174 -70 -4.39% Unknown -1.12 $120,958,550
September / 2014 552 -21 244 4 0.81% Unknown 4.82 $132,972,694
August / 2014 531 -39 240 7 0.30% Unknown 4.12 $137,140,847
July / 2014 492 484 233 20 0.87% Unknown 0.21 $134,105,443
June / 2014 976 -76 213 18 -0.31% Unknown -0.42 $136,450,684
May / 2014 900 -292 195 -22 -1.32% Unknown -4.39 $140,601,407
April / 2014 608 222 217 7 0.41% Unknown -1.79 $142,904,299
March / 2014 830 208 210 19 0.41% Unknown -5.15 $141,584,984
February / 2014 1038 -422 191 -26 -1.72% Unknown -4.33 $140,910,682
January / 2014 616 326 217 9 1.74% Unknown -4.22 $136,563,077
December / 2013 942 -140 208 -9 0.47% Unknown -6.07 $138,607,711
November / 2013 802 -32 217 3 1.76% Unknown -4.43 $137,409,090
October / 2013 770 215 214 14 1.36% Unknown -5.39 $138,853,157
September / 2013 985 16 200 25 0.14% Unknown -9.93 $135,474,591
August / 2013 1001 -216 175 -33 -3.47% Unknown -10.31 $132,758,304
July / 2013 785 121 208 25 0.24% Unknown -7.02 $142,513,471
June / 2013 906 -213 183 -37 -4.28% Unknown -4.65 $137,707,185
May / 2013 693 261 220 33 1.35% Unknown -4.69 $149,253,713
April / 2013 954 -273 187 -33 -3.03% Unknown -7.05 $150,544,642
March / 2013 681 169 220 29 1.29% Unknown -4.48 $153,232,660
February / 2013 850 0 191 New -1.61% Unknown -7.33 $154,215,042


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


KLP Alfa Global Energi's best month was June 2015, ranked #361 with a HedgeScore of 233 earning a 2.75% positive return of $2,984,958.

KLP Alfa Global Energi's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #998 with a HedgeScore of 174 taking a -4.39% loss of -$5,310,080.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!