KLP Alfa Global Rente

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 474
All-time Average Score: 238
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 268 73 235 2 -1.53% Unknown 4.91 $137,844,942
October / 2015 341 -73 233 -2 -0.62% Unknown 1.66 $138,095,728
September / 2015 268 24 235 4 -1.53% Unknown 4.91 $137,844,942
August / 2015 292 70 231 -7 -0.70% Unknown 5.55 $142,401,904
July / 2015 362 -18 238 2 -0.13% Unknown 6.48 $147,926,999
June / 2015 344 -23 236 -14 -0.63% Unknown 7.17 $153,036,174
May / 2015 321 -12 250 -2 0.91% Unknown 8.58 $129,515,403
April / 2015 309 36 252 9 1.47% Unknown 7.76 $132,818,003
March / 2015 345 55 243 -2 0.45% Unknown 6.55 $122,386,796
February / 2015 400 -80 245 0 0.69% Unknown 5.68 $128,682,818
January / 2015 320 85 245 3 1.10% Unknown 4.70 $125,822,773
December / 2014 405 67 242 3 0.60% Unknown 4.15 $128,647,446
November / 2014 472 -126 239 -14 0.07% Unknown 4.14 $136,850,671
October / 2014 346 428 253 30 2.55% Unknown 3.21 $141,921,050
September / 2014 774 -252 223 -19 -0.93% Unknown 1.27 $145,459,343
August / 2014 522 -113 242 -3 0.19% Unknown 3.32 $152,663,426
July / 2014 409 201 245 -1 0.51% Unknown 3.72 $149,455,487
June / 2014 610 -122 246 6 0.68% Unknown 3.35 $152,610,213
May / 2014 488 -43 240 0 0.15% Unknown 2.10 $155,714,348
April / 2014 445 183 240 10 0.33% Unknown 1.45 $155,935,630
March / 2014 628 -16 230 -3 -0.37% Unknown 2.01 $154,622,142
February / 2014 612 -172 233 -10 -0.24% Unknown 2.53 $155,087,517
January / 2014 440 167 243 1 0.57% Unknown 2.27 $148,082,922
December / 2013 607 134 242 19 0.59% Unknown 1.31 $153,152,992
November / 2013 741 -203 223 -20 -0.82% Unknown 0.61 $150,537,760
October / 2013 538 28 243 -3 0.63% Unknown 1.74 $156,076,950
September / 2013 566 -104 246 11 1.07% Unknown 1.76 $153,385,974
August / 2013 462 120 235 3 0.58% Unknown $148,939,039
July / 2013 582 -41 232 11 0.16% Unknown $153,455,667
June / 2013 541 136 221 -1 -0.54% Unknown $148,399,340
May / 2013 677 -178 222 -17 -0.49% Unknown $154,795,824
April / 2013 499 92 239 7 0.88% Unknown $159,025,161
March / 2013 591 9 232 10 0.14% Unknown $155,591,143
February / 2013 600 0 222 New -0.50% Unknown $154,215,042


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


KLP Alfa Global Rente's best month was October 2014, ranked #346 with a HedgeScore of 253 earning a 2.55% positive return of $3,618,987.

KLP Alfa Global Rente's worst month was September 2015 , ranked #268 with a HedgeScore of 235 taking a -1.53% loss of -$2,109,028.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!