KS International Inc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 459
Current Score: 205
Current Rank: 459
All-time Average Rank: 598
All-time Average Score: 212
Max Drawdown: -3.28
Annualized Standard Deviation: 2.36
Year to Date Return: 1.94
5-Star Rating: 2.36

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 459 209 205 12 1.28% Unknown -0.53 5.49 $25,122,343
April / 2016 668 -102 193 2 0.75% Unknown -2.55 3.85 $25,122,343
March / 2016 566 168 191 87 0.64% Unknown -3.15 3.58 $25,122,343
February / 2016 734 -136 104 -16 -0.61% Unknown -4.10 3.16
January / 2016 598 -70 120 -63 0.13% Unknown -3.08 4.26
November / 2015 528 56 183 -13 -0.41% Unknown -3.56 7.93 $25,212,098
October / 2015 584 -7 196 11 0.30% Unknown -3.03 8.26 $25,328,944
August / 2015 577 154 185 -2 -0.32% Unknown -3.65 11.23 $25,509,171
July / 2015 731 -88 187 -5 -0.32% Unknown -3.51 11.45 $25,596,744
June / 2015 643 97 192 1 -0.20% Unknown -2.58 12.75 $25,677,024
May / 2015 740 -98 191 -12 -0.58% Unknown -1.43 12.32 $25,736,028
April / 2015 642 51 203 6 0.14% Unknown -0.94 11.24 $25,884,798
March / 2015 693 -149 197 -14 -0.46% Unknown -0.31 12.78 $26,093,217
January / 2015 544 -15 211 -19 -0.41% Unknown 1.40 15.10 $26,096,369
November / 2014 529 54 230 13 0.19% Unknown 2.59 20.52 $29,169,604
October / 2014 583 183 217 -7 -0.77% Unknown 2.77 21.52 $29,027,388
September / 2014 766 -154 224 -5 -0.59% Unknown 4.14 23.38 $29,449,471
August / 2014 612 -170 229 -13 -0.24% Unknown 4.88 29.23 $29,758,937
July / 2014 442 162 242 -5 0.61% Unknown 5.35 32.74 $29,877,163
June / 2014 604 -67 247 13 0.93% Unknown 5.59 36.88 $32,698,661
May / 2014 537 -141 234 -13 -0.05% Unknown 4.04 39.35 $35,081,574
April / 2014 396 537 247 46 0.79% Unknown 4.77 46.49 $35,096,651
March / 2014 933 269 201 35 0.19% Unknown $40,500,640
January / 2014 1202 -700 166 -90 0.10% Unknown 4.02 50.92 $40
November / 2013 502 -22 256 2 0.41% Unknown 4.07 51.03 $58,882,055
October / 2013 480 98 254 9 0.57% Unknown 3.63 42.02 $58,582,913
September / 2013 578 -122 245 -7 0.12% Unknown 2.11 29.92 $58,169,642
July / 2013 456 2 252 2 0.85% Unknown 2.56 23.38 $63,624,299
May / 2013 458 -2 250 5 0.64% Unknown 2.61 21.08 $64,483,884
April / 2013 456 32 245 -2 0.45% Unknown 1.20 20.70 $67,939,169
March / 2013 488 -81 247 -2 0.52% Unknown 1.39 22.07 $67,551,542
February / 2013 407 0 249 New 0.50% Unknown 1.35 19.32 $74,408,041


This hedge fund has no awards.


This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


KS International Inc's best month was May 2016, ranked #459 with a HedgeScore of 205 earning a 1.28% positive return of $321,566.

KS International Inc's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #583 with a HedgeScore of 217 taking a -0.77% loss of -$223,511.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!