UBS (Cay) EUR High Yld Pls A EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 564
Current Score: 184
Current Rank: 564
All-time Average Rank: 837
All-time Average Score: 187
Max Drawdown: -3.82
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.09
Year to Date Return: 0.78
5-Star Rating: 5.09

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 564 141 184 -4 0.39% Unknown -0.26 $7,768,855
April / 2016 705 -39 188 15 1.43% Unknown -0.57 $7,710,270
March / 2016 666 -238 173 26 1.75% Unknown -1.38 $7,834,215
February / 2016 428 -18 147 -5 -1.08% Unknown -2.98 $8,059,753
January / 2016 410 360 152 -12 -1.67% Unknown -0.35 $8,106,047
December / 2015 770 -289 164 -26 -1.75% Unknown 2.17 $8,357,732
November / 2015 481 105 190 -6 0.96% Unknown 4.55 $7,897,550
October / 2015 586 184 196 32 2.19% Unknown 4.67 $8,364,026
September / 2015 770 -79 164 -8 -1.75% Unknown 2.17 $8,357,732
August / 2015 691 -13 172 -22 -0.86% Unknown 3.38 $8,584,244
July / 2015 678 184 194 23 1.16% Unknown 5.10 $8,406,095
June / 2015 862 -106 171 -18 -1.54% Unknown 3.56 $9,886,480
May / 2015 756 -46 189 -6 0.08% Unknown 5.15 $9,876,028
April / 2015 710 57 195 5 0.61% Unknown 5.97 $10,308,660
March / 2015 767 -55 190 -14 0.09% Unknown 6.22 $9,358,837
February / 2015 712 -99 204 0 1.60% Unknown 6.25 $13,157,075
January / 2015 613 129 204 6 1.59% Unknown 6.16 $12,811,396
December / 2014 742 25 198 -5 0.41% Unknown 4.98 $14,925,937
November / 2014 767 135 203 19 1.08% Unknown 4.76 $15,777,549
October / 2014 902 593 184 0 -0.25% Unknown 4.26 $12,583,601
September / 2014 1495 -624 184 -18 -0.58% Unknown 5.71 $12,719,949
August / 2014 871 31 202 13 0.79% Unknown 6.82 $13,340,901
July / 2014 902 318 189 -8 -0.32% Unknown 6.28 $14,439,368
June / 2014 1220 -399 197 -6 -0.04% Unknown 9.14 $16,131,715
May / 2014 821 -74 203 2 0.86% Unknown 6.74 $16,083,362
April / 2014 747 411 201 16 0.85% Unknown 5.18 $16,203,337
March / 2014 1158 -157 185 -9 0.13% Unknown $16,993,554
February / 2014 1001 -77 194 6 1.51% Unknown $17,007,907
January / 2014 924 249 188 -1 0.46% Unknown $17,053,207
December / 2013 1173 -99 189 -3 0.21% Unknown $20,307,613
November / 2013 1074 -94 192 -3 0.60% Unknown $20,024,777
October / 2013 980 124 195 4 1.13% Unknown $20,665,886
September / 2013 1104 -275 191 2 0.45% Unknown $20,346,203
August / 2013 829 26 189 -11 0.28% Unknown $19,993,602
July / 2013 855 224 200 31 2.37% Unknown $20,134,118
June / 2013 1079 64 169 -8 -2.24% Unknown $19,328,568
May / 2013 1143 0 177 New -0.61% Unknown $20,616,273


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


UBS (Cay) EUR High Yld Pls A EUR's best month was July 2013, ranked #855 with a HedgeScore of 200 earning a 2.37% positive return of $477,179.

UBS (Cay) EUR High Yld Pls A EUR's worst month was June 2013 , ranked #1079 with a HedgeScore of 169 taking a -2.24% loss of -$432,960.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!