LIP SICAV-FIS S Investor Equit B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 845
All-time Average Score: 198
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 440 -112 206 -32 0.01% Unknown 22.33 $430,350
October / 2015 328 112 238 32 5.48% Unknown 32.11 $449,208
September / 2015 440 102 206 15 0.01% Unknown 22.33 $430,350
August / 2015 542 -123 191 -38 -1.35% Unknown 18.35 $431,951
July / 2015 419 414 229 56 5.46% Unknown 20.24 $431,729
June / 2015 833 -295 173 -43 -3.65% Unknown 11.66 $412,825
May / 2015 538 137 216 16 3.19% Unknown 15.32 $443,522
April / 2015 675 36 200 4 1.04% Unknown 10.55 $450,510
March / 2015 711 -126 196 -23 1.31% Unknown 7.82 $427,335
February / 2015 585 16 219 13 7.60% Unknown 9.88 $462,962
January / 2015 601 173 206 12 4.92% Unknown 6.75 $432,871
December / 2014 774 78 194 -3 1.97% Unknown 4.01 $442,412
November / 2014 852 314 197 37 2.74% Unknown 3.95 $446,975
October / 2014 1166 701 160 -9 -2.33% Unknown 2.92 $437,252
September / 2014 1867 -993 169 -33 -3.24% Unknown 8.27 $451,386
August / 2014 874 79 202 17 0.23% Unknown 16.16 $486,445
July / 2014 953 780 185 15 -2.06% Unknown 21.07 $493,017
June / 2014 1733 -498 170 3 -0.49% Unknown 27.93 $857,382
May / 2014 1235 -138 167 -2 -1.08% Unknown 27.98 $858,698
April / 2014 1097 -181 169 -34 -1.45% Unknown 33.02 $882,041
March / 2014 916 -70 203 -5 3.24% Unknown 35.21 $1,013,715
February / 2014 846 -124 208 2 4.54% Unknown 34.66 $1,101,373
January / 2014 722 241 206 -1 2.22% Unknown 33.97 $2,437,902
December / 2013 963 -50 207 0 1.92% Unknown 37.07 $2,436,944
November / 2013 913 -100 207 -3 1.72% Unknown 37.38 $2,641,778
October / 2013 813 55 210 -2 2.75% Unknown 36.60 $2,593,285
September / 2013 868 -256 212 -2 3.81% Unknown 34.05 $2,513,068
August / 2013 612 194 214 8 4.46% Unknown 33.86 $2,358,120
July / 2013 806 155 206 27 3.49% Unknown 26.94 $2,273,288
June / 2013 961 -98 179 -24 -0.45% Unknown 25.17 $2,150,333
May / 2013 863 164 203 22 2.82% Unknown 25.28 $2,218,432
April / 2013 1027 -89 181 -12 0.17% Unknown 17.49 $2,194,844
March / 2013 938 -124 193 -5 2.82% Unknown 16.93 $2,134,212
February / 2013 814 0 198 New 4.00% Unknown 16.00 $2,400,779


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


LIP SICAV-FIS S Investor Equit B's best month was February 2015, ranked #585 with a HedgeScore of 219 earning a 7.60% positive return of $35,185.

LIP SICAV-FIS S Investor Equit B's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #833 with a HedgeScore of 173 taking a -3.65% loss of -$15,068.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!