LIP SICAV-FIS S Investor Equit D

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 868
All-time Average Score: 195
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 401 -82 212 -28 0.03% Unknown 16.40 $2,671,402
October / 2015 319 82 240 28 4.46% Unknown 24.60 $2,761,459
September / 2015 401 111 212 16 0.03% Unknown 16.40 $2,671,402
August / 2015 512 -60 196 -28 -1.14% Unknown 12.49 $2,904,898
July / 2015 452 296 224 44 2.49% Unknown 13.96 $2,897,533
June / 2015 748 -229 180 -38 -2.99% Unknown 7.53 $2,851,060
May / 2015 519 150 218 17 2.48% Unknown 10.51 $2,891,753
April / 2015 669 16 201 3 0.76% Unknown 7.01 $2,355,315
March / 2015 685 -102 198 -21 0.98% Unknown 5.04 $2,240,274
February / 2015 583 -2 219 11 6.43% Unknown 6.81 $2,317,055
January / 2015 581 199 208 15 4.54% Unknown 4.09 $2,190,414
December / 2014 780 80 193 -3 1.88% Unknown 0.94 $2,246,890
November / 2014 860 409 196 46 2.66% Unknown 0.58 $2,272,112
October / 2014 1269 562 150 -20 -2.41% Unknown -0.75 $2,224,396
September / 2014 1831 -982 170 -34 -3.33% Unknown 3.93 $2,298,249
August / 2014 849 137 204 22 0.15% Unknown 10.83 $2,478,931
July / 2014 986 594 182 4 -3.30% Unknown 14.80 $2,514,418
June / 2014 1580 -441 178 2 -0.30% Unknown 20.85 $2,660,626
May / 2014 1139 -148 176 -2 -0.77% Unknown 20.76 $2,994,508
April / 2014 991 -95 178 -27 -1.09% Unknown 24.40 $3,066,467
March / 2014 896 -52 205 -3 2.68% Unknown 25.81 $2,736,993
February / 2014 844 -21 208 10 3.72% Unknown 25.34 $2,553,818
January / 2014 823 225 198 -2 1.37% Unknown 25.41 $2,404,145
December / 2013 1048 -42 200 2 1.52% Unknown 28.59 $2,306,355
November / 2013 1006 -104 198 -4 1.30% Unknown 29.27 $1,992,852
October / 2013 902 50 202 -2 2.19% Unknown 28.97 $1,964,169
September / 2013 952 -283 204 -2 3.08% Unknown 27.14 $1,914,006
August / 2013 669 234 206 12 3.74% Unknown 27.76 $1,940,567
July / 2013 903 170 194 24 1.79% Unknown 21.90 $1,618,096
June / 2013 1073 -63 170 -20 -0.37% Unknown 18.99 $1,218,139
May / 2013 1010 179 190 22 2.22% Unknown 18.90 $1,219,082
April / 2013 1189 -109 168 -12 0.04% Unknown 12.07 $1,213,110
March / 2013 1080 -116 180 -2 2.29% Unknown 11.59 $1,181,178
February / 2013 964 0 182 New 3.77% Unknown 11.19 $848,780


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


LIP SICAV-FIS S Investor Equit D's best month was February 2015, ranked #583 with a HedgeScore of 219 earning a 6.43% positive return of $148,987.

LIP SICAV-FIS S Investor Equit D's worst month was September 2014 , ranked #1831 with a HedgeScore of 170 taking a -3.33% loss of -$76,532.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!