Lycos Asset Management SMAs

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1228
Current Score: 112
Current Rank: 1228
All-time Average Rank: 706
All-time Average Score: 211
Max Drawdown: -21.30
Annualized Standard Deviation: 17.90
Year to Date Return: 2.08
5-Star Rating: 17.90

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1228 -325 112 -23 -4.15% Unknown -16.22 35.69 $659,386
November / 2015 903 -255 135 -54 -4.17% Unknown -14.20 60.01 $751,198
October / 2015 648 657 189 76 2.93% Unknown -7.59 71.69 $783,371
August / 2015 1305 -722 113 -92 -11.58% Unknown -13.57 74.99 $414,115
July / 2015 583 196 205 27 0.60% Unknown 0.61 89.16 $469,529
June / 2015 779 -259 178 -40 -1.05% Unknown -0.85 92.23 $466,139
May / 2015 520 -40 218 -6 1.63% Unknown 3.75 92.21 $476,175
April / 2015 480 291 224 34 3.31% Unknown 5.59 90.85 $479,568
March / 2015 771 -245 190 -36 -0.90% Unknown 2.94 89.55 $465,681
February / 2015 526 235 226 38 2.44% Unknown 7.03 99.73 $482,417
January / 2015 761 -228 188 -34 -6.97% Unknown 12.17 98.07 $481,845
December / 2014 533 -173 222 -37 -1.51% Unknown 16.45 108.23 $518,181
November / 2014 360 3 259 9 3.22% Unknown 22.37 121.42 $542,199
October / 2014 363 421 250 27 1.43% Unknown 20.37 116.10 $525,267
September / 2014 784 -421 223 -43 -3.96% Unknown 21.99 109.17 $539,597
August / 2014 363 176 266 37 2.93% Unknown 32.93 129.21 $562,588
July / 2014 539 -72 229 -35 -0.86% Unknown 24.90 121.13 $559,012
June / 2014 467 -94 264 5 3.54% Unknown 36.31 142.30 $568,848
May / 2014 373 70 259 18 3.43% Unknown 29.24 127.60 $607,303
April / 2014 443 -27 241 -17 0.72% Unknown 22.78 153.65 $423,245
March / 2014 416 -40 258 -12 3.03% Unknown 32.17 193.22 $197,837
February / 2014 376 305 270 60 7.36% Unknown 30.87 201.81 $198,079
January / 2014 681 -159 210 -45 -3.42% Unknown 21.44 151.15 $190,453
December / 2013 522 52 255 10 3.50% Unknown 31.14 152.72 $202,826
November / 2013 574 -88 245 -8 1.53% Unknown 24.30 157.23 $215,660
October / 2013 486 152 253 15 2.80% Unknown 32.27 139.14 $219,408
September / 2013 638 580 238 81 4.65% Unknown 18.39 90.69 $231,480
August / 2013 1218 -512 157 -60 -3.29% Unknown 8.39 $228,808
July / 2013 706 502 217 57 8.20% Unknown 19.43 $258,010
June / 2013 1208 108 160 -4 -1.83% Unknown 9.31 $238,412
May / 2013 1316 -563 164 -45 -1.74% Unknown 12.12 $261,941
April / 2013 753 475 209 43 8.42% Unknown 9.13 $300,104
March / 2013 1228 -69 166 2 2.02% Unknown -0.42 $292,048
February / 2013 1159 0 164 New -0.38% Unknown 4.82 $286,266


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Lycos Asset Management SMAs's best month was April 2013, ranked #753 with a HedgeScore of 209 earning a 8.42% positive return of $25,269.

Lycos Asset Management SMAs's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1305 with a HedgeScore of 113 taking a -11.58% loss of -$47,955.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!