Man AHL Div Str Series 2 (USD) Tranche B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 624
Current Score: 176
Current Rank: 624
All-time Average Rank: 653
All-time Average Score: 221
Max Drawdown: -11.44
Annualized Standard Deviation: 18.89
Year to Date Return: -2.17
5-Star Rating: 18.89

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 624 266 176 12 -3.71% Unknown -6.64 7.87 $47,813,752
April / 2016 890 -332 164 -28 -5.94% Unknown -5.90 7.97 $50,635,095
March / 2016 558 -478 192 -55 -2.21% Unknown -4.28 21.69 $55,190,357
February / 2016 80 31 247 14 3.91% Unknown 0.45 20.16 $56,945,444
January / 2016 111 44 233 -34 6.31% Unknown -5.62 17.47 $55,154,603
December / 2015 155 53 267 19 4.43% Unknown 18.01 14.58 $60,108,392
November / 2015 208 375 248 52 3.77% Unknown 3.34 14.85 $56,270,450
October / 2015 583 -428 196 -71 -6.73% Unknown 7.29 3.85 $54,766,806
September / 2015 155 105 267 28 4.43% Unknown 18.01 14.58 $60,108,392
August / 2015 260 -60 239 -35 0.08% Unknown 14.92 9.74 $59,430,238
July / 2015 200 395 274 75 7.24% Unknown 22.70 19.09 $60,442,086
June / 2015 595 -230 199 -43 -8.66% Unknown 15.16 10.62 $57,305,134
May / 2015 365 -225 242 -62 -2.94% Unknown 27.57 24.25 $63,632,242
March / 2015 140 158 304 39 2.61% Unknown 44.35 35.19 $73,914,451
February / 2015 298 -219 265 -57 -2.36% Unknown 37.79 36.91 $73,917,838
January / 2015 79 102 322 33 9.20% Unknown 42.04 41.77 $76,478,760
December / 2014 181 5 289 -4 2.66% Unknown 33.14 27.23 $71,446,295
November / 2014 186 123 293 32 7.74% Unknown 24.84 13.74 $71,640,483
October / 2014 309 327 261 25 2.59% Unknown 15.72 10.85 $67,401,600
September / 2014 636 -186 236 -16 1.70% Unknown 16.52 3.11 $66,880,200
August / 2014 450 248 252 41 6.86% Unknown 15.27 4.70 $66,883,654
July / 2014 698 260 211 -3 0.65% Unknown 4.35 $64,768,139
June / 2014 958 328 214 60 1.18% Unknown 1.99 $68,699,552
April / 2014 1286 -127 154 -16 1.11% Unknown -19.92 $69,326,201
January / 2014 1159 776 170 41 2.35% Unknown -12.23 $79,972,460
December / 2013 1935 -416 129 -26 -3.75% Unknown -14.13 $79,544,916
November / 2013 1519 -329 155 -21 -0.13% Unknown -11.46 $85,521,149
October / 2013 1190 338 176 17 3.30% Unknown -9.43 $87,479,014
September / 2013 1528 -1 159 27 0.60% Unknown -15.30 $87,174,254
August / 2013 1527 -101 132 -9 -3.26% Unknown -16.31 $88,800,930
June / 2013 1426 -64 141 -18 -6.87% Unknown -8.94 $95,523,238
May / 2013 1362 -1115 159 -120 -11.35% Unknown -6.16 $103,336,264
April / 2013 247 157 279 21 6.22% Unknown 9.74 $119,703,367
March / 2013 404 166 258 31 2.46% Unknown 4.86 $114,130,417
February / 2013 570 0 227 New 0.39% Unknown -2.17 $116,241,868


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2016


Man AHL Div Str Series 2 (USD) Tranche B's best month was January 2015, ranked #79 with a HedgeScore of 322 earning a 9.20% positive return of $7,036,046.

Man AHL Div Str Series 2 (USD) Tranche B's worst month was May 2013 , ranked #1362 with a HedgeScore of 159 taking a -11.35% loss of -$11,728,666.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!