Man Gbl Str Div Ser 2 Ltd-CHF Cap

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 985
All-time Average Score: 192
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
October / 2014 776 564 196 5 0.10% Unknown 0.55 14.08 $7,913,662
September / 2014 1340 -458 191 -10 -0.07% Unknown 0.74 13.65 $7,962,478
August / 2014 882 -20 201 6 0.14% Unknown 1.04 14.27 $8,376,110
July / 2014 862 279 195 -8 -0.10% Unknown 0.63 14.69 $8,533,649
June / 2014 1141 -296 203 2 0.06% Unknown 1.15 15.58 $8,784,583
May / 2014 845 -32 201 7 0.11% Unknown 0.39 15.16 $8,709,127
April / 2014 813 209 194 -1 0.01% Unknown -0.23 15.51 $8,965,829
March / 2014 1022 45 195 6 0.06% Unknown -0.08 13.25 $8,936,038
February / 2014 1067 -346 189 -17 -0.13% Unknown -0.18 13.06 $8,955,886
January / 2014 721 508 206 21 0.49% Unknown 0.64 14.98 $8,753,399
December / 2013 1229 -187 185 -9 -0.33% Unknown -0.51 14.84 $8,884,317
November / 2013 1042 -61 194 -1 0.21% Unknown -0.31 14.83 $8,795,027
October / 2013 981 105 195 2 0.29% Unknown -0.56 19.28 $8,763,155
September / 2013 1086 -130 193 14 0.22% Unknown -0.72 15.43 $9,417,699
August / 2013 956 -36 179 -13 -0.26% Unknown -0.54 6.20 $9,112,977
July / 2013 920 230 192 28 0.42% Unknown -0.20 3.28 $9,253,846
June / 2013 1150 45 164 -10 -0.69% Unknown -0.63 -4.04 $9,058,556
May / 2013 1195 -307 174 -20 -0.51% Unknown 0.13 -3.17 $9,054,581
April / 2013 888 46 194 1 0.16% Unknown 1.10 -0.87 $9,701,225
March / 2013 934 -98 193 -1 -0.04% Unknown 1.22 0.44 $9,569,435
February / 2013 836 0 194 New 0.69% Unknown 0.81 -3.88 $9,714,480


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Man Gbl Str Div Ser 2 Ltd-CHF Cap's best month was February 2013, ranked #836 with a HedgeScore of 194 earning a 0.69% positive return of $67,030.

Man Gbl Str Div Ser 2 Ltd-CHF Cap's worst month was June 2013 , ranked #1150 with a HedgeScore of 164 taking a -0.69% loss of -$62,504.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!