Man Synergy Series A Ltd USD Guar Bds B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 586
Current Score: 181
Current Rank: 586
All-time Average Rank: 1056
All-time Average Score: 169
Max Drawdown: -1.84
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.15
Year to Date Return: 4.13
5-Star Rating: 5.15

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 586 239 181 9 -0.10% Unknown 4.68 -4.66 $5,236,283
April / 2016 825 -173 172 -3 -0.38% Unknown 4.83 -8.07 $5,343,565
March / 2016 652 -452 175 -21 -0.53% Unknown 4.30 -3.86 $5,363,659
February / 2016 200 -9 196 2 1.64% Unknown 5.99 -5.67 $5,601,520
January / 2016 191 301 194 -6 3.49% Unknown 1.51 -6.36 $5,585,654
December / 2015 492 59 200 21 1.93% Unknown 7.56 $5,886,386
November / 2015 551 208 179 4 0.00% Unknown 3.80 $5,589,345
October / 2015 759 -267 175 -25 -0.66% Unknown 5.28 $5,630,677
September / 2015 492 48 200 9 1.93% Unknown 7.56 $5,886,386
August / 2015 540 264 191 11 1.41% Unknown 4.33 $5,909,049
July / 2015 804 234 180 23 0.75% Unknown 4.62 $5,871,151
June / 2015 1038 -179 157 -20 -1.66% Unknown 3.75 $5,827,226
May / 2015 859 144 177 10 0.05% Unknown 5.26 $6,045,815
April / 2015 1003 -233 167 -23 -0.88% Unknown 7.51 $6,087,543
March / 2015 770 401 190 32 1.09% Unknown 9.68 $6,219,977
February / 2015 1171 -625 158 -53 -2.66% Unknown 8.00 $6,250,357
January / 2015 546 343 211 28 4.11% Unknown 11.16 $6,467,248
December / 2014 889 67 183 -2 0.44% Unknown 9.76 $6,211,346
November / 2014 956 2 185 7 1.42% Unknown 7.52 $6,301,175
October / 2014 958 1393 178 25 1.49% Unknown 4.81 $6,220,634
September / 2014 2351 -1271 153 -27 -1.12% Unknown 4.57 $6,223,768
August / 2014 1080 137 180 19 1.69% Unknown 7.74 $6,585,151
July / 2014 1217 775 161 2 -0.10% Unknown 5.31 $6,585,106
June / 2014 1992 -499 159 24 -0.23% Unknown 4.06 $6,769,438
April / 2014 1493 -67 135 -13 1.12% Unknown -6.72 $6,727,840
January / 2014 1426 511 148 19 2.80% Unknown -4.20 $8,150,283
December / 2013 1937 -157 129 -3 -1.61% Unknown -9.89 $7,959,667
November / 2013 1780 -349 132 -24 -1.14% Unknown -9.12 $8,157,920
October / 2013 1431 128 156 -1 1.26% Unknown -6.93 $8,662,057
September / 2013 1559 -61 157 22 1.87% Unknown -8.67 $8,784,401
August / 2013 1498 -10 135 3 -0.60% Unknown -10.10 $8,858,738
July / 2013 1488 -196 132 -27 -1.28% Unknown -10.00 $9,167,635
March / 2013 1292 -211 159 -12 -0.03% Unknown -4.14 $13,495,389
February / 2013 1081 0 171 New 1.28% Unknown -5.13 $14,678,080


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Man Synergy Series A Ltd USD Guar Bds B's best month was January 2015, ranked #546 with a HedgeScore of 211 earning a 4.11% positive return of $265,804.

Man Synergy Series A Ltd USD Guar Bds B's worst month was February 2015 , ranked #1171 with a HedgeScore of 158 taking a -2.66% loss of -$166,259.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!