March Patrimonio Renta FIL

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 648
All-time Average Score: 215
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 508 23 197 15 0.04% Unknown 1.09 $14,676,572
November / 2015 531 134 182 -5 0.01% Unknown 0.95 $5,430,527
October / 2015 665 -157 187 -10 0.00% Unknown 1.03 $7,974,331
September / 2015 508 -22 197 -2 0.04% Unknown 1.09 $14,676,572
August / 2015 486 151 199 0 0.10% Unknown 1.14 $14,726,114
July / 2015 637 -49 199 -1 0.10% Unknown 1.11 $14,505,459
June / 2015 588 26 200 -4 0.17% Unknown 1.06 $14,837,518
May / 2015 614 12 204 -1 0.08% Unknown 0.95 $20,916,743
April / 2015 626 -40 205 -4 0.09% Unknown 0.94 $22,302,206
March / 2015 586 59 209 -4 0.09% Unknown 0.91 $27,793,216
February / 2015 645 -18 213 11 0.08% Unknown 0.95 $33,161,388
January / 2015 627 17 202 -7 0.08% Unknown 1.03 $34,013,479
December / 2014 644 39 209 -2 0.10% Unknown 1.12 $45,746,080
November / 2014 683 -43 211 0 0.09% Unknown 1.14 $50,249,097
October / 2014 640 350 211 2 0.06% Unknown 1.21 $51,120,167
September / 2014 990 -84 209 11 0.09% Unknown 1.31 $44,731,042
August / 2014 906 -88 198 -1 0.07% Unknown 1.49 $25,690,691
July / 2014 818 347 199 -2 0.06% Unknown 1.68 $26,490,887
June / 2014 1165 -334 201 -1 0.07% Unknown 1.89 $28,216,661
May / 2014 831 -123 202 -3 0.07% Unknown 2.07 $28,759,017
April / 2014 708 128 205 -5 0.06% Unknown 2.26 $34,206,920
March / 2014 836 -44 210 -3 0.13% Unknown 2.48 $40,538,311
February / 2014 792 -152 213 -1 0.16% Unknown 2.61 $45,005,091
January / 2014 640 220 214 -1 0.17% Unknown 2.72 $46,665,278
December / 2013 860 -36 215 0 0.11% Unknown 2.84 $50,482,180
November / 2013 824 -77 215 -2 0.15% Unknown 3.00 $49,214,997
October / 2013 747 -153 217 -26 0.16% Unknown 3.07 $54,159,863
September / 2013 594 -217 243 -5 0.26% Unknown 3.24 $146,199,751
August / 2013 377 108 248 0 0.26% Unknown 3.14 $177,273,958
July / 2013 485 -105 248 0 0.27% Unknown 3.24 $178,793,268
June / 2013 380 83 248 -1 0.24% Unknown 3.29 $176,331,520
May / 2013 463 -37 249 -1 0.26% Unknown 3.32 $180,756,724
April / 2013 426 32 250 0 0.28% Unknown 3.30 $185,594,977
March / 2013 458 -80 250 -3 0.26% Unknown 3.33 $188,279,926
February / 2013 378 0 253 New 0.26% Unknown 3.25 $210,344,403


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


March Patrimonio Renta FIL's best month was April 2013, ranked #426 with a HedgeScore of 250 earning a 0.28% positive return of $519,666.

March Patrimonio Renta FIL's worst month was October 2015 , ranked #665 with a HedgeScore of 187


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!