Marshall Wace-MW Glb Financials MN-A EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1342
All-time Average Score: 152
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 606 -69 185 3 0.60% Unknown 14.14 29.14
November / 2015 537 345 182 19 0.80% Unknown 11.95 25.49
October / 2015 882 -276 163 -22 -1.50% Unknown 14.28 24.10
September / 2015 606 -32 185 -1 0.60% Unknown 14.14 29.14
August / 2015 574 169 186 -1 0.42% Unknown 16.17 28.39
July / 2015 743 155 187 19 0.82% Unknown 15.99 30.07
June / 2015 898 -45 168 -11 -0.85% Unknown 14.06 31.41
April / 2015 853 133 179 11 0.36% Unknown 13.52 28.75
March / 2015 986 148 168 6 1.95% Unknown 10.67
February / 2015 1134 -42 162 6 1.68% Unknown 7.83
January / 2015 1092 65 156 -4 1.42% Unknown 5.61
December / 2014 1157 121 160 3 2.57% Unknown 6.47
November / 2014 1278 259 157 31 2.90% Unknown 5.09
October / 2014 1537 578 126 -35 -1.62% Unknown 4.65
September / 2014 2115 -618 161 19 2.39% Unknown 7.89
August / 2014 1497 117 142 13 0.26% Unknown 4.81
July / 2014 1614 569 129 -23 -0.86% Unknown 4.24
June / 2014 2183 -660 152 9 1.33% Unknown 5.10
May / 2014 1523 144 143 21 0.45% Unknown 2.70
April / 2014 1667 80 122 -18 -2.16% Unknown 2.87
March / 2014 1747 -63 140 -1 -0.67% Unknown 8.57
February / 2014 1684 -358 141 -17 -0.42% Unknown 7.86
January / 2014 1326 380 158 7 2.24% Unknown 5.69
December / 2013 1706 -201 151 -6 1.24% Unknown 5.64
November / 2013 1505 18 157 9 2.47% Unknown 7.81
October / 2013 1523 339 148 16 1.42% Unknown 5.75
September / 2013 1862 -381 132 -5 -0.53% Unknown 6.29
August / 2013 1481 -32 137 -2 -0.29% Unknown 8.56
July / 2013 1449 82 139 7 -0.02% Unknown 5.80
June / 2013 1531 -37 132 -14 -0.99% Unknown 5.40
May / 2013 1494 -186 146 -11 0.62% Unknown 4.14
April / 2013 1308 477 157 53 3.26% Unknown 4.53
March / 2013 1785 -37 104 0 -1.30% Unknown 0.11
February / 2013 1748 0 104 New -2.43% Unknown 1.24


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Marshall Wace-MW Glb Financials MN-A EUR's best month was April 2013, ranked #1308 with a HedgeScore of 157 earning a 3.26% positive return.

Marshall Wace-MW Glb Financials MN-A EUR's worst month was February 2013 , ranked #1748 with a HedgeScore of 104 taking a -2.43% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!