ARTICO Emerging Marktes

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 780
All-time Average Score: 202
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 1026 -403 138 -53 -1.42% Unknown -16.65 $64,011,695
October / 2015 623 403 191 53 6.89% Unknown -11.69 $68,107,714
September / 2015 1026 260 138 23 -1.42% Unknown -16.65 $64,011,695
August / 2015 1286 -286 115 -45 -9.60% Unknown -20.71 $59,242,869
July / 2015 1000 -360 160 -32 -6.81% Unknown -9.58 $65,460,686
June / 2015 640 -106 192 -24 -2.89% Unknown -1.70 $68,498,820
May / 2015 534 -293 216 -49 -1.99% Unknown 3.54 $63,744,476
April / 2015 241 361 265 58 7.78% Unknown 8.20 $64,618,678
March / 2015 602 -158 207 -31 -1.01% Unknown 1.71 $61,764,447
February / 2015 444 -42 238 6 2.43% Unknown 6.26 $56,588,793
January / 2015 402 315 232 32 0.48% Unknown 7.58 $55,613,648
December / 2014 717 -140 200 -24 -3.99% Unknown 1.23 $55,965,372
November / 2014 577 -132 224 -13 -0.85% Unknown 3.63 $59,267,040
October / 2014 445 588 237 30 0.88% Unknown 2.26 $64,051,194
September / 2014 1033 -644 207 -55 -6.22% Unknown 4.87 $61,939,649
August / 2014 389 55 262 21 3.08% Unknown 18.83 $62,519,285
July / 2014 444 172 241 -4 1.31% Unknown 10.99 $59,559,869
June / 2014 616 58 245 27 2.28% Unknown 9.34 $59,411,283
May / 2014 674 154 218 26 2.42% Unknown 1.09 $58,074,721
April / 2014 828 104 192 -9 1.31% Unknown -3.90 $55,828,332
March / 2014 932 53 201 5 3.42% Unknown -3.02 $54,234,246
February / 2014 985 472 196 50 3.71% Unknown -5.86 $50,206,281
January / 2014 1457 -11 146 -23 -5.46% Unknown -8.53 $48,412,459
December / 2013 1446 -328 169 -20 -1.70% Unknown -1.59 $48,671,889
November / 2013 1118 -473 189 -40 -2.16% Unknown 5.10 $51,598,305
October / 2013 645 39 229 -3 3.46% Unknown 8.85 $52,899,751
September / 2013 684 239 232 51 6.27% Unknown 5.33 $50,944,634
August / 2013 923 -126 181 -26 -3.71% Unknown 4.32 $49,278,344
July / 2013 797 61 207 20 -0.20% Unknown 9.35 $49,296,076
June / 2013 858 0 187 New -5.43% Unknown 12.09 $47,617,799


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


ARTICO Emerging Marktes's best month was April 2015, ranked #241 with a HedgeScore of 265 earning a 7.78% positive return of $5,027,333.

ARTICO Emerging Marktes's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1286 with a HedgeScore of 115 taking a -9.60% loss of -$5,687,315.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!