Northwest A USD Acc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 711
Current Score: 164
Current Rank: 711
All-time Average Rank: 582
All-time Average Score: 218
Max Drawdown: -10.94
Annualized Standard Deviation: 6.16
Year to Date Return: -3.89
5-Star Rating: 6.16

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 711 11 164 -22 -1.84% Unknown -10.94 $51,771,802
April / 2016 722 -243 186 -21 0.05% Unknown -9.65 $52,740,242
March / 2016 479 -213 207 29 1.50% Unknown -2.94 $53,751,504
March / 2016 266 -84 178 -19 -2.62% Unknown -6.29 $60,447,318
January / 2016 182 15 197 -55 -0.99% Unknown -2.77 $62,070,490
December / 2015 197 81 252 25 1.25% Unknown 8.07 $63,585,658
November / 2015 278 -15 227 -23 -1.03% Unknown 4.41 $63,308,307
October / 2015 263 -66 250 -2 0.60% Unknown 9.59 $63,965,571
September / 2015 197 32 252 5 1.25% Unknown 8.07 $63,585,658
August / 2015 229 254 247 27 0.32% Unknown 11.06 $62,797,908
July / 2015 483 -109 220 -11 -4.03% Unknown 10.71 $62,598,689
June / 2015 374 -68 231 -22 -3.36% Unknown 15.78 $59,609,955
May / 2015 306 -118 253 -27 -0.42% Unknown 22.18 $61,095,119
April / 2015 188 202 280 33 7.48% Unknown 21.97 $35,961,683
March / 2015 390 -129 247 -9 1.04% Unknown 13.79 $33,153,418
January / 2015 261 145 256 5 3.90% Unknown 12.25 $32,811,742
November / 2014 406 226 251 39 3.88% Unknown 9.64 $31,517,083
October / 2014 632 -96 212 -34 -0.80% Unknown 3.79 $30,339,467
September / 2014 536 276 246 39 4.06% Unknown 4.57 $30,583,559
August / 2014 812 114 207 20 0.00% Unknown 0.19 $29,813,600
July / 2014 926 404 187 -4 0.37% Unknown -0.97 $29,051,816
June / 2014 1330 -62 191 28 1.98% Unknown -2.38 $28,943,665
May / 2014 1268 -306 163 -17 -0.59% Unknown -6.33 $31,459,472
April / 2014 962 377 180 11 0.19% Unknown -2.63 $31,646,317
March / 2014 1339 -394 169 -39 -1.92% Unknown -0.21 $31,587,450
December / 2013 945 -14 208 3 -0.36% Unknown 14.38 $42,062,607
November / 2013 931 -193 205 -13 -1.67% Unknown 19.46 $42,215,099
October / 2013 738 -214 218 -24 -0.05% Unknown 20.06 $42,931,231
March / 2013 524 54 242 16 5.00% Unknown 15.03 $42,763,955
March / 2013 578 0 226 New 2.55% Unknown 8.29 $40,728,029


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Northwest A USD Acc's best month was April 2015, ranked #188 with a HedgeScore of 280 earning a 7.48% positive return of $2,689,934.

Northwest A USD Acc's worst month was July 2015 , ranked #483 with a HedgeScore of 220 taking a -4.03% loss of -$2,522,727.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!