Violet Emerging Markets

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 606
Current Score: 179
Current Rank: 606
All-time Average Rank: 1267
All-time Average Score: 162
Max Drawdown: -3.54
Annualized Standard Deviation: 12.98
Year to Date Return: 5.44
5-Star Rating: 12.98

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 606 -50 179 -29 -1.50% Unknown 22.49 26.27
April / 2016 556 -418 208 -9 2.79% Unknown 25.03 19.00
February / 2016 138 454 217 31 6.56% Unknown 26.75 12.74
December / 2015 592 0 186 0 1.44% Unknown 14.15 2.47
September / 2015 592 -145 186 -17 1.44% Unknown 14.15 2.47
August / 2015 447 520 203 41 7.05% Unknown 11.70 3.26
June / 2015 967 -114 162 -25 1.58% Unknown 3.86 -3.35
December / 2014 853 1631 187 37 8.37% Unknown 9.87
September / 2014 2484 -1292 150 -22 -0.74% Unknown 14.99
August / 2014 1192 599 172 4 1.89% Unknown 23.38
June / 2014 1791 -485 168 7 0.88% Unknown 29.99
May / 2014 1306 433 161 46 2.74% Unknown 28.62
April / 2014 1739 122 115 -16 -3.09% Unknown 28.05
March / 2014 1861 -352 131 -24 -0.69% Unknown 37.45
February / 2014 1509 -113 155 3 4.00% Unknown 32.53
January / 2014 1396 687 152 38 5.98% Unknown 24.15
December / 2013 2083 -159 114 -7 -1.28% Unknown 28.04
November / 2013 1924 -613 121 -45 -1.63% Unknown 41.40
October / 2013 1311 284 166 11 8.46% Unknown 42.97
September / 2013 1595 71 155 34 6.50% Unknown 35.86
June / 2013 1666 0 121 New 0.10% Unknown 23.53


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Violet Emerging Markets's best month was October 2013, ranked #1311 with a HedgeScore of 166 earning a 8.46% positive return.

Violet Emerging Markets's worst month was April 2014 , ranked #1739 with a HedgeScore of 115 taking a -3.09% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!