Picton Mahoney Global Long Short Eq F

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 334
All-time Average Score: 266
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
June / 2015 222 -73 262 -36 -1.26% Unknown 11.94 76.62 $42,808,282
May / 2015 149 130 298 40 3.56% Unknown 16.26 78.63 $45,046,265
April / 2015 279 -74 258 -22 -1.74% Unknown 14.71 65.34 $44,439,216
March / 2015 205 26 280 -2 1.32% Unknown 12.67 69.57 $42,729,570
February / 2015 231 -48 282 5 2.64% Unknown 9.42 72.16 $42,847,876
January / 2015 183 82 277 8 2.14% Unknown 8.80 67.99 $40,683,781
December / 2014 265 24 269 -3 0.80% Unknown 7.18 61.02 $43,089,143
November / 2014 289 43 272 16 1.31% Unknown 7.79 62.98 $42,951,107
October / 2014 332 -45 256 -21 -0.33% Unknown 6.87 69.47 $42,557,985
September / 2014 287 -22 277 -6 1.07% Unknown 10.72 70.43 $43,127,377
August / 2014 265 109 283 32 2.48% Unknown 14.06 68.88 $43,666,283
July / 2014 374 -15 251 -27 -0.52% Unknown 9.35 64.22 $42,205,484
June / 2014 359 -47 278 8 2.55% Unknown 12.51 66.76 $43,081,256
May / 2014 312 197 270 39 2.18% Unknown 8.92 67.37 $39,156,421
April / 2014 509 -42 231 -19 -3.49% Unknown 7.41 61.85 $37,720,169
March / 2014 467 -133 250 -30 -1.61% Unknown 13.52 63.01 $37,809,287
February / 2014 334 -48 280 10 2.06% Unknown 16.55 69.28 $35,895,027
January / 2014 286 117 270 -2 0.63% Unknown 16.94 63.63 $33,676,847
November / 2013 403 -99 272 -11 0.45% Unknown 22.03 67.45 $29,019,552
October / 2013 304 55 283 3 3.27% Unknown 21.68 61.22 $26,354,701
September / 2013 359 96 280 44 4.11% Unknown 18.90 51.51 $23,989,688
August / 2013 455 -82 236 -32 -1.75% Unknown 16.85 27.71 $21,298,701
July / 2013 373 59 268 28 2.36% Unknown 19.57 25.21 $21,746,997
June / 2013 432 -14 240 -17 -0.73% Unknown 19.05 15.24 $20,045,500
May / 2013 418 98 257 14 0.76% Unknown 19.03 15.66 $20,179,962
March / 2013 516 -112 243 -7 1.02% Unknown 11.31 16.75 $16,877,799
February / 2013 404 0 250 New 2.40% Unknown 13.38 16.94 $15,535,237


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Picton Mahoney Global Long Short Eq F's best month was September 2013, ranked #359 with a HedgeScore of 280 earning a 4.11% positive return of $985,976.

Picton Mahoney Global Long Short Eq F's worst month was April 2014 , ranked #509 with a HedgeScore of 231 taking a -3.49% loss of -$1,316,434.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!