Bayard Global High Dividend Yield Fd LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 413
Current Score: 213
Current Rank: 413
All-time Average Rank: 959
All-time Average Score: 184
Max Drawdown: -7.28
Annualized Standard Deviation: 12.16
Year to Date Return: -0.26
5-Star Rating: 12.16

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 413 95 213 -3 -0.10% Unknown -1.63 36.38 $31,615,972
April / 2016 508 -331 216 -50 -0.08% Unknown -0.64 37.33 $31,215,580
March / 2016 177 6 266 65 5.84% Unknown 5.93 39.39 $30,788,437
February / 2016 183 74 201 22 0.42% Unknown -1.61 $29,204,403
January / 2016 257 345 179 -6 -5.99% Unknown 0.85 $27,568,895
December / 2015 602 -218 185 -18 -0.91% Unknown -2.61 $25,731,724
November / 2015 384 218 203 18 -1.15% Unknown 1.32 $27,406,560
September / 2015 602 827 185 88 -0.91% Unknown -2.61 $25,731,724
August / 2015 1429 -926 97 -120 -5.03% Unknown -5.44
July / 2015 503 60 217 14 0.98% Unknown -0.10 $26,604,191
June / 2015 563 -183 203 -35 -2.33% Unknown 1.77 $26,562,972
May / 2015 380 -107 238 -21 0.90% Unknown 6.93 $27,297,192
April / 2015 273 320 259 51 6.52% Unknown 12.21 $26,776,801
March / 2015 593 -182 208 -36 -1.69% Unknown 7.04 $24,823,253
February / 2015 411 82 244 25 2.93% Unknown 12.24 $23,113,146
January / 2015 493 152 219 10 -0.78% Unknown 12.56 $22,289,551
December / 2014 645 -82 209 -17 -2.68% Unknown 7.21 $22,251,534
November / 2014 563 572 226 62 -0.36% Unknown 10.80 $22,833,875
October / 2014 1135 1383 164 15 0.28% Unknown 9.74
September / 2014 2518 -1406 149 -29 -3.79% Unknown 15.85
August / 2014 1112 -204 178 -11 0.33% Unknown 30.38
July / 2014 908 554 189 5 3.91% Unknown 27.15
June / 2014 1462 -468 184 -3 2.82% Unknown 24.86
May / 2014 994 174 187 23 6.28% Unknown 17.09
April / 2014 1168 167 164 -6 1.64% Unknown 10.28
March / 2014 1335 260 170 22 3.12% Unknown 11.54
February / 2014 1595 372 148 49 3.24% Unknown 8.81
January / 2014 1967 -151 99 -43 -5.48% Unknown 4.00
December / 2013 1816 27 142 15 0.60% Unknown 14.75
November / 2013 1843 -531 127 -39 -1.39% Unknown 19.39
October / 2013 1312 113 166 -2 6.00% Unknown 20.92
September / 2013 1425 287 168 59 8.30% Unknown 14.67
August / 2013 1712 -375 109 -42 -3.85% Unknown 7.60
July / 2013 1337 0 151 New 2.04% Unknown 14.24


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Bayard Global High Dividend Yield Fd LP's best month was September 2013, ranked #1425 with a HedgeScore of 168 earning a 8.30% positive return.

Bayard Global High Dividend Yield Fd LP's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #257 with a HedgeScore of 179 taking a -5.99% loss of -$1,651,377.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!