SEB Credit Oppurtunity lll HNWC

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 555
All-time Average Score: 231
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
July / 2015 393 -2 226 -10 -0.65% Unknown 1.40 $59,484,595
May / 2015 391 -32 236 -6 -0.03% Unknown 2.33 $58,144,749
May / 2015 359 11 242 3 0.28% Unknown 2.75 $59,511,091
March / 2015 370 178 239 16 0.11% Unknown 3.22 $57,462,891
March / 2015 548 -98 223 -2 0.60% Unknown 3.40 $59,351,912
January / 2015 450 154 225 11 0.70% Unknown 3.99 $59,484,644
December / 2014 604 -28 214 -10 -0.08% Unknown 3.58 $62,421,823
December / 2014 576 -57 224 -2 0.31% Unknown 4.34 $65,717,810
October / 2014 519 377 226 11 0.40% Unknown 4.81 $65,885,132
October / 2014 896 -299 215 -15 -0.56% Unknown 5.95 $67,368,822
August / 2014 597 -30 230 5 0.32% Unknown 7.51 $70,250,603
July / 2014 567 167 225 -8 0.00% Unknown 7.50 $70,685,890
July / 2014 734 -159 233 3 0.27% Unknown 9.56 $73,020,927
May / 2014 575 -83 230 -3 0.38% Unknown 7.64 $72,887,510
May / 2014 492 129 233 2 0.73% Unknown 7.27 $74,426,747
March / 2014 621 -38 231 -7 0.29% Unknown 8.84 $74,264,672
March / 2014 583 -66 238 7 1.17% Unknown 9.18 $74,951,180
January / 2014 517 151 231 -2 0.30% Unknown 8.84 $72,492,149
December / 2013 668 -34 233 -2 0.65% Unknown 8.35 $73,665,852
December / 2013 634 -67 235 -5 0.75% Unknown 9.85 $71,917,887
October / 2013 567 76 240 3 1.50% Unknown 10.79 $72,096,728
October / 2013 643 -170 237 3 0.91% Unknown 11.16 $71,564,926
August / 2013 473 33 234 -11 0.31% Unknown 13.80 $68,618,947
July / 2013 506 57 245 27 1.92% Unknown 16.06 $69,479,933
July / 2013 563 -18 218 -19 -1.49% Unknown 16.16 $66,014,896
May / 2013 545 -90 237 -8 0.04% Unknown 21.34 $68,047,526
May / 2013 455 141 245 13 2.20% Unknown 16.87 $69,849,945
March / 2013 596 68 232 17 0.60% Unknown 12.89 $68,057,992
March / 2013 664 0 215 New 0.51% Unknown $68,108,939


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


SEB Credit Oppurtunity lll HNWC's best month was May 2013, ranked #455 with a HedgeScore of 245 earning a 2.20% positive return of $1,536,699.

SEB Credit Oppurtunity lll HNWC's worst month was July 2013 , ranked #563 with a HedgeScore of 218 taking a -1.49% loss of -$983,622.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!