Siitnedif Tordesillas FIL

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 683
All-time Average Score: 223
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
November / 2015 111 6 282 -10 0.32% Unknown 6.43 31.99 $125,895,408
October / 2015 117 55 292 29 1.88% Unknown 7.07 29.20 $131,253,827
August / 2015 172 2 263 -18 -0.65% Unknown 4.55 28.85 $117,925,596
July / 2015 174 27 281 13 1.42% Unknown 4.89 29.75 $105,891,542
June / 2015 201 158 268 25 0.69% Unknown 1.82 27.88 $99,489,944
May / 2015 359 52 243 9 -0.24% Unknown -0.13 26.80 $97,222,867
April / 2015 411 -92 234 -15 -0.43% Unknown -0.95 19.29 $99,607,015
March / 2015 319 46 249 -3 1.22% Unknown -1.11 20.13 $90,620,072
February / 2015 365 -112 252 -5 1.51% Unknown -0.57 26.33 $82,416,845
January / 2015 253 291 257 37 3.27% Unknown -0.45 21.61 $81,678,873
December / 2014 544 -205 220 -42 -1.58% Unknown -1.05 15.06 $84,839,689
November / 2014 339 30 262 -2 0.93% Unknown 3.17 17.64 $88,808,257
August / 2014 369 -61 264 0 -0.32% Unknown 12.54 24.00 $94,465,396
July / 2014 308 110 264 -5 -0.89% Unknown 13.26 27.40 $96,991,229
June / 2014 418 -128 269 -3 -1.24% Unknown 17.17 33.06 $107,043,612
May / 2014 290 -41 272 -3 -1.06% Unknown 16.62 35.15 $108,037,078
April / 2014 249 615 275 80 -0.59% Unknown 18.55 37.84 $101,096,701
January / 2014 864 266 195 2 2.65% Unknown 17.62 34.22
December / 2013 1130 18 193 6 2.61% Unknown 17.92 30.45
November / 2013 1148 -171 187 -9 1.23% Unknown 19.78 29.10
October / 2013 977 282 196 16 4.48% Unknown 18.67 28.36
September / 2013 1259 44 180 29 2.44% Unknown 15.34 13.04
August / 2013 1303 -194 151 -22 -0.35% Unknown 13.62 4.58
July / 2013 1109 390 173 38 2.53% Unknown 12.86 5.08
June / 2013 1499 -129 135 -24 -1.71% Unknown 8.23 2.20
May / 2013 1370 -97 159 -1 0.58% Unknown 10.98 2.81
April / 2013 1273 456 160 45 2.64% Unknown 9.00 3.40
March / 2013 1729 -580 115 -50 -2.38% Unknown 6.57 2.10
February / 2013 1149 0 165 New 1.83% Unknown 10.63 3.40


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Siitnedif Tordesillas FIL's best month was October 2013, ranked #977 with a HedgeScore of 196 earning a 4.48% positive return.

Siitnedif Tordesillas FIL's worst month was March 2013 , ranked #1729 with a HedgeScore of 115 taking a -2.38% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!