Jabre Capital Global Bal C EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 1060
All-time Average Score: 170
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 2046 -1194 57 -15 -1.91% Unknown -27.81 2.63 $117,485
January / 2016 852 419 72 -45 -8.27% Unknown -11.40 -2.63 $136,217
December / 2015 1271 -423 117 -24 -5.20% Unknown -9.60 15.54 $149,052
November / 2015 848 -154 141 -42 1.59% Unknown -6.52 21.36
October / 2015 694 577 183 66 7.14% Unknown -3.87 22.20 $158,041
September / 2015 1271 170 117 22 -5.20% Unknown -9.60 15.54 $149,052
August / 2015 1441 -519 95 -71 -10.28% Unknown -8.64 21.59
June / 2015 922 -358 166 -46 -6.16% Unknown 2.77 23.50 $175,317
May / 2015 564 74 212 8 4.29% Unknown 15.52 27.76
April / 2015 638 221 204 23 4.00% Unknown 14.87 20.32
March / 2015 859 -115 181 -21 0.66% Unknown 8.53 17.15
February / 2015 744 551 202 65 9.42% Unknown 3.59 21.62
January / 2015 1295 -495 137 -64 -2.87% Unknown 0.36 13.30
November / 2014 800 119 201 19 4.05% Unknown 9.95 29.39
October / 2014 919 1343 182 26 0.75% Unknown 8.83 26.29
September / 2014 2262 -1421 156 -49 -4.19% Unknown 14.62 18.14
August / 2014 841 238 205 31 2.58% Unknown 29.30 23.77
July / 2014 1079 -60 174 -37 -1.84% Unknown 26.09 31.02
June / 2014 1019 -163 211 11 3.56% Unknown 33.80 41.39
May / 2014 856 379 200 41 3.70% Unknown 21.14 34.66
April / 2014 1235 220 159 -3 -1.74% Unknown 14.25 40.66
March / 2014 1455 -653 162 -51 -3.93% Unknown 27.91 55.40
February / 2014 802 505 213 54 6.01% Unknown 37.48 63.00
January / 2014 1307 -386 159 -52 -3.65% Unknown 32.33 56.01
December / 2013 921 -57 211 -1 4.32% Unknown 44.30 64.58
November / 2013 864 -143 212 -9 3.00% Unknown 54.70 62.99
October / 2013 721 87 221 4 6.11% Unknown 55.56 60.98
September / 2013 808 434 217 61 8.08% Unknown 49.06 45.70
August / 2013 1242 -16 156 -6 0.04% Unknown 39.67
July / 2013 1226 0 162 New 4.81% Unknown 42.09


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Jabre Capital Global Bal C EUR's best month was February 2015, ranked #744 with a HedgeScore of 202 earning a 9.42% positive return.

Jabre Capital Global Bal C EUR's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1441 with a HedgeScore of 95 taking a -10.28% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!