Jabre Capital Global Bal C USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1040
All-time Average Score: 173
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5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 1916 -1219 72 -32 -3.20% Unknown -28.56 6.04 $2,085,420
January / 2016 697 284 104 -39 -8.16% Unknown -11.27 1.54 $3,218,467
December / 2015 981 -148 143 0 -5.41% Unknown -9.39 20.19 $3,812,240
November / 2015 833 -367 143 -68 1.64% Unknown -6.30 26.13
October / 2015 466 515 211 68 7.16% Unknown -3.67 26.99 $4,085,346
September / 2015 981 433 143 44 -5.41% Unknown -9.39 20.19 $3,812,240
August / 2015 1414 -800 99 -98 -10.25% Unknown -8.10 26.76
June / 2015 614 -74 197 -19 -6.08% Unknown 3.44 29.07 $4,928,379
May / 2015 540 69 216 8 4.31% Unknown 16.12 33.61
April / 2015 609 201 208 22 3.93% Unknown 15.67 26.26
March / 2015 810 -114 186 -21 0.76% Unknown 9.55 22.45
February / 2015 696 510 207 63 9.44% Unknown 4.47 28.23
January / 2015 1206 -460 144 -61 -2.74% Unknown 1.00 19.24
November / 2014 746 148 205 19 4.06% Unknown 10.40 35.89
October / 2014 894 1244 186 26 0.80% Unknown 9.11 32.44
September / 2014 2138 -1329 160 -48 -4.07% Unknown 14.60 23.44
August / 2014 809 238 208 31 2.57% Unknown 28.64 29.45
July / 2014 1047 -91 177 -38 -1.81% Unknown 25.60 37.32
June / 2014 956 -129 215 12 3.52% Unknown 34.13 47.85
May / 2014 827 373 203 41 3.91% Unknown 20.72 40.87
April / 2014 1200 505 162 20 -1.56% Unknown 14.16 47.16
March / 2014 1705 -668 142 -50 -3.91% Unknown 29.39
February / 2014 1037 517 192 53 5.82% Unknown 39.98
January / 2014 1554 -368 139 -50 -3.50% Unknown 32.64
December / 2013 1186 -86 189 -2 4.20% Unknown 45.73
November / 2013 1100 -160 191 -9 2.84% Unknown 57.41
October / 2013 940 63 200 0 5.88% Unknown 58.94
September / 2013 1003 140 200 37 7.69% Unknown 52.97
August / 2013 1143 -4 163 -8 0.15% Unknown 44.01
July / 2013 1139 0 171 New 5.51% Unknown 46.56


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Jabre Capital Global Bal C USD's best month was February 2015, ranked #696 with a HedgeScore of 207 earning a 9.44% positive return.

Jabre Capital Global Bal C USD's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1414 with a HedgeScore of 99 taking a -10.25% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!