SMI Defensive LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1722
All-time Average Score: 79
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 298 151 229 16 0.60% Unknown 174.97 126.69
October / 2015 449 -151 213 -16 -4.47% Unknown 209.41 113.45
September / 2015 298 -36 229 -10 0.60% Unknown 174.97 126.69
August / 2015 262 117 239 9 2.69% Unknown 177.01 129.40
June / 2015 379 1416 230 247 1.51% Unknown 161.26 136.05
March / 2015 1795 57 -17 25 0.76% Unknown -45.99 -50.65
February / 2015 1852 -40 -42 -3 -2.77% Unknown -45.63 -50.73
January / 2015 1812 116 -39 36 -2.60% Unknown -45.59 -49.30
December / 2014 1928 53 -75 -30 -19.07% Unknown -43.41 -46.21
November / 2014 1981 18 -45 -32 -16.52% Unknown -30.91 -33.46
October / 2014 1999 1601 -13 -101 -15.11% Unknown -16.94 -19.02
September / 2014 3600 -1608 88 40 1.35% Unknown -1.58 -1.42
August / 2014 1992 -35 48 -41 -6.45% Unknown -10.08 9.11
July / 2014 1957 1671 89 44 0.75% Unknown -9.92 32.04
June / 2014 3628 -1655 45 -36 -1.75% Unknown -25.50 41.97
May / 2014 1973 380 81 13 3.07% Unknown -23.81 57.17
March / 2014 2353 -302 68 -2 1.43% Unknown -29.83 58.33
January / 2014 2051 39 70 4 1.31% Unknown -31.99 79.68
November / 2013 2090 -198 66 -4 0.35% Unknown -33.52 97.22
October / 2013 1892 283 70 67 0.60% Unknown -32.86 106.70
September / 2013 2175 -296 3 -16 -7.41% Unknown -32.14
August / 2013 1879 -144 19 -6 -6.28% Unknown -27.31
July / 2013 1735 -70 25 -96 -15.29% Unknown -20.49
June / 2013 1665 144 121 25 0.47% Unknown -4.54
May / 2013 1809 -441 96 -54 -3.82% Unknown -4.46
April / 2013 1368 323 150 29 0.71% Unknown 1.79
March / 2013 1691 -389 121 -29 -4.09% Unknown 1.59
February / 2013 1302 0 150 New -0.27% Unknown 5.96


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SMI Defensive LP's best month was May 2014, ranked #1973 with a HedgeScore of 81 earning a 3.07% positive return.

SMI Defensive LP's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #1928 with a HedgeScore of -75 taking a -19.07% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!