SPM Structured Service Holdings (SSH)

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 611
All-time Average Score: 234
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
August / 2015 627 155 180 -2 0.00% Unknown 3.23 108.28
July / 2015 782 -67 182 -1 0.00% Unknown 2.85 120.95
June / 2015 715 42 183 -6 -0.25% Unknown 5.50 125.86
May / 2015 757 -63 189 -8 0.00% Unknown 6.48 132.17
April / 2015 694 78 197 7 0.25% Unknown 7.01 144.42
March / 2015 772 -81 190 -18 -0.25% Unknown 7.32 149.29
February / 2015 691 -69 208 5 1.25% Unknown 9.23 153.26
January / 2015 622 15 203 -7 0.25% Unknown 9.32 155.54
December / 2014 637 281 210 21 1.25% Unknown 9.09 160.17
November / 2014 918 -87 189 -1 -1.00% Unknown 8.15 167.06
October / 2014 831 60 190 -26 -1.75% Unknown 9.26 176.77
September / 2014 891 -344 216 -12 0.50% Unknown 11.93 196.77
July / 2014 547 325 228 7 2.00% Unknown 10.82 235.90
June / 2014 872 154 221 37 0.50% Unknown 8.59 266.58
May / 2014 1026 -398 184 -31 -2.25% Unknown 1.04 273.18
April / 2014 628 89 215 -6 0.25% Unknown 3.15 329.18
March / 2014 717 -694 221 -178 1.25% Unknown 2.12 362.33
February / 2014 23 622 399 185 0.04% Unknown -0.18 376.12 $1,538,000,000
January / 2014 645 -634 214 -221 0.25% Unknown 0.75 402.26
December / 2013 11 0 435 0 1.00% Unknown 3.23 460.01 $1,774,000,000
November / 2013 11 663 435 209 0.75% Unknown 3.33 500.05 $1,766,000,000
October / 2013 674 130 226 9 1.25% Unknown 5.09 353.52
September / 2013 804 -232 217 -17 -0.50% Unknown 8.10 378.85
July / 2013 572 75 234 25 0.50% Unknown 12.91 312.44
June / 2013 647 -171 209 -39 -4.25% Unknown 14.11 327.70
May / 2013 476 -74 248 -7 0.25% Unknown 19.82 350.04
April / 2013 402 0 255 -4 0.50% Unknown 23.67 359.55
March / 2013 402 -90 259 -4 0.50% Unknown 25.90 372.95
February / 2013 312 0 263 New 1.00% Unknown 27.72 363.05


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2013
Top 100 Hedge Fund December 2013


Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2014


SPM Structured Service Holdings (SSH)'s best month was July 2014, ranked #547 with a HedgeScore of 228 earning a 2.00% positive return.

SPM Structured Service Holdings (SSH)'s worst month was June 2013 , ranked #647 with a HedgeScore of 209 taking a -4.25% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!