Nordea Inst FIS Em Market Debt BXH SEK

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 793
All-time Average Score: 199
Max Drawdown:
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 994 -296 141 -41 -2.76% Unknown -10.33 7.91 $32,207,800
October / 2015 698 296 182 41 3.30% Unknown -9.36 10.18 $32,862,316
September / 2015 994 -51 141 -7 -2.76% Unknown -10.33 7.91 $32,207,800
August / 2015 943 -5 148 -19 -2.50% Unknown -10.86 10.85 $32,737,296
July / 2015 938 -162 167 -11 -1.06% Unknown -8.01 16.12 $33,222,183
June / 2015 776 109 178 3 -1.86% Unknown -7.25 18.00 $34,702,104
May / 2015 885 -307 175 -36 -1.31% Unknown -4.98 $34,341,112
April / 2015 578 307 211 34 2.53% Unknown -0.86 $35,605,424
March / 2015 885 -250 177 -37 -1.51% Unknown -2.36 $33,625,609
March / 2015 635 -161 214 -8 0.42% Unknown 1.33 $35,300,525
January / 2015 474 343 222 33 0.66% Unknown 4.39 $35,444,691
December / 2014 817 -157 189 -25 -3.89% Unknown 1.02 $37,210,352
November / 2014 660 -222 214 -24 -1.55% Unknown 5.46 $40,724,714
October / 2014 438 614 238 32 2.20% Unknown 3.91 $41,599,839
September / 2014 1052 -524 206 -35 -3.34% Unknown 4.96 $41,788,931
August / 2014 528 41 241 16 0.63% Unknown 12.14 $44,702,199
July / 2014 569 93 225 -14 -0.24% Unknown 7.67 $44,844,517
June / 2014 662 -178 239 -2 0.53% Unknown 8.37 $46,434,720
May / 2014 484 213 241 34 2.96% Unknown 3.01 $46,077,357
April / 2014 697 93 207 -7 0.98% Unknown -3.43 $46,020,003
March / 2014 790 -10 214 0 2.21% Unknown -2.23 $45,807,180
March / 2014 780 363 214 43 3.45% Unknown -4.65 $45,362,520
January / 2014 1143 -57 171 -26 -2.58% Unknown -7.16 $42,909,331
December / 2013 1086 198 197 22 0.34% Unknown -5.10 $44,895,064
November / 2013 1284 -638 175 -54 -3.00% Unknown -3.89 $43,968,174
October / 2013 646 176 229 14 3.23% Unknown 0.44 $45,784,035
September / 2013 822 224 215 44 3.28% Unknown -2.12 $44,683,368
August / 2013 1046 -352 171 -47 -3.38% Unknown -3.51 $41,864,183
July / 2013 694 0 218 New 0.41% Unknown 0.35 $44,006,633


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Nordea Inst FIS Em Market Debt BXH SEK's best month was March 2014, ranked #780 with a HedgeScore of 214 earning a 3.45% positive return of $1,565,007.

Nordea Inst FIS Em Market Debt BXH SEK's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #817 with a HedgeScore of 189 taking a -3.89% loss of -$1,447,483.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!