Sprott Small Cap Hedge

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1147
All-time Average Score: 177
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Year to Date Return:
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2014 1040 272 169 16 0.21% Unknown 2.71 22.55 $4,200,420
November / 2014 1312 -255 153 -17 -3.04% Unknown 6.49 28.79 $4,257,981
October / 2014 1057 396 170 -16 -2.69% Unknown 11.93 46.29 $5,026,328
September / 2014 1453 -794 186 -38 -6.57% Unknown 18.62 51.52 $6,298,095
August / 2014 659 -32 224 6 0.18% Unknown 27.59 70.75 $8,417,062
July / 2014 627 -96 218 -38 -0.24% Unknown 31.57 78.64 $9,721,126
June / 2014 531 118 256 34 4.63% Unknown 36.77 84.80 $11,454,562
May / 2014 649 -186 222 -16 0.65% Unknown 25.69 77.54 $11,620,784
April / 2014 463 588 238 45 4.87% Unknown 23.44 95.24 $11,965,233
March / 2014 1051 -385 193 -34 -0.33% Unknown 12.84 92.30 $11,517,069
February / 2014 666 402 227 51 5.93% Unknown 12.62 110.20 $12,171,192
January / 2014 1068 707 176 31 -0.24% Unknown 1.45 96.66 $12,273,850
December / 2013 1775 -625 145 -41 3.90% Unknown 1.83 112.34
November / 2013 1150 -16 186 5 1.92% Unknown -0.65 99.15 $13,226,048
October / 2013 1134 413 181 23 3.13% Unknown -4.14 74.11 $14,755,459
September / 2013 1547 -434 158 -7 0.50% Unknown -7.15 27.57 $14,898,274
August / 2013 1113 142 165 7 3.30% Unknown -3.30 -0.67 $14,831,252
July / 2013 1255 492 158 48 3.70% Unknown -4.87 -6.75 $15,777,574
June / 2013 1747 -147 110 -25 -3.84% Unknown -7.01 -17.62 $15,400,725
May / 2013 1600 46 135 16 -1.14% Unknown -6.13 -13.83 $20,166,269
April / 2013 1646 -339 119 -39 -4.13% Unknown -13.84 -0.67 $23,569,816
March / 2013 1307 220 158 28 -0.53% Unknown -13.85 4.71 $24,647,320
February / 2013 1527 0 130 New -4.57% Unknown -19.01 -0.81 $25,881,101


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Sprott Small Cap Hedge's best month was February 2014, ranked #666 with a HedgeScore of 227 earning a 5.93% positive return of $721,752.

Sprott Small Cap Hedge's worst month was September 2014 , ranked #1453 with a HedgeScore of 186 taking a -6.57% loss of -$413,785.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!