Sr Phoenicia Inc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1404
Current Score: 92
Current Rank: 1404
All-time Average Rank: 1443
All-time Average Score: 135
Max Drawdown: -14.32
Annualized Standard Deviation: 12.43
Year to Date Return: -5.05
5-Star Rating: 12.43

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1404 158 92 -20 -0.40% Unknown -11.74
April / 2016 1562 -738 112 21 1.20% Unknown -9.58
March / 2016 824 0 91 12 -1.10% Unknown -9.67
January / 2016 824 296 79 -51 -6.80% Unknown -4.92
December / 2015 1120 -173 130 1 -2.60% Unknown 6.68
November / 2015 947 -220 129 -49 -2.40% Unknown 4.97
October / 2015 727 393 178 48 4.90% Unknown 13.15
September / 2015 1120 89 130 7 -2.60% Unknown 6.68
August / 2015 1209 -409 123 -58 -6.90% Unknown 7.66
July / 2015 800 378 181 34 1.70% Unknown 15.64
June / 2015 1178 -385 147 -38 -3.10% Unknown 11.89
May / 2015 793 458 185 41 2.04% Unknown 17.66
March / 2015 1251 -45 144 -11 0.50% Unknown 16.14
March / 2015 1206 -26 155 8 4.10% Unknown 12.33
January / 2015 1180 144 147 6 2.10% Unknown 10.06
December / 2014 1324 32 141 -9 2.40% Unknown 4.57
November / 2014 1356 388 150 43 5.20% Unknown 4.87
October / 2014 1744 1614 107 -5 -1.10% Unknown 0.49
September / 2014 3358 -1758 112 -22 -1.70% Unknown 4.04
August / 2014 1600 133 134 14 0.00% Unknown 12.09
July / 2014 1733 541 120 -29 -1.60% Unknown 10.18
June / 2014 2274 -865 149 -4 1.90% Unknown 14.88
May / 2014 1409 324 153 37 4.80% Unknown 7.67
April / 2014 1733 384 116 3 -1.20% Unknown 4.89
March / 2014 2117 -524 113 -35 -2.80% Unknown 7.44
March / 2014 1593 252 148 33 2.00% Unknown 12.53
January / 2014 1845 -226 115 -42 -3.00% Unknown 10.10
December / 2013 1619 -190 157 0 2.70% Unknown 20.88
October / 2013 1429 32 157 -8 2.40% Unknown 22.44
September / 2013 1461 -166 165 10 5.90% Unknown 18.25
July / 2013 1295 412 155 38 2.60% Unknown 19.11
June / 2013 1707 -353 117 -44 -4.50% Unknown 18.64
May / 2013 1354 214 161 33 2.10% Unknown 25.48
April / 2013 1568 37 128 -3 1.20% Unknown
March / 2013 1605 82 131 17 1.80% Unknown
March / 2013 1687 0 114 New -0.20% Unknown


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Sr Phoenicia Inc's best month was September 2013, ranked #1461 with a HedgeScore of 165 earning a 5.90% positive return.

Sr Phoenicia Inc's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1209 with a HedgeScore of 123 taking a -6.90% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!