SEB Credit Oppurtunity lll HNWD H-EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 944
All-time Average Score: 191
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
June / 2015 676 -50 188 -15 -0.64% Unknown 1.44 $6,051,092
May / 2015 626 17 203 0 0.20% Unknown 2.28 $5,992,532
April / 2015 643 24 203 3 0.26% Unknown 2.48 $6,415,139
March / 2015 667 220 200 15 0.10% Unknown 2.91 $6,132,872
February / 2015 887 -116 185 -1 0.64% Unknown 3.03 $6,398,602
January / 2015 771 186 186 10 0.69% Unknown 3.54 $6,396,365
December / 2014 957 -3 176 -9 -0.10% Unknown 3.10 $6,812,217
November / 2014 954 -68 185 -1 0.30% Unknown 3.80 $7,025,302
October / 2014 886 831 186 11 0.35% Unknown 4.17 $7,039,549
September / 2014 1717 -729 175 -15 -0.57% Unknown 5.25 $7,072,801
August / 2014 988 -9 190 7 0.29% Unknown 6.74 $7,417,421
July / 2014 979 333 183 -9 -0.06% Unknown 6.68 $7,513,008
June / 2014 1312 -346 192 2 0.18% Unknown 8.70 $7,692,711
May / 2014 966 -132 190 -2 0.39% Unknown 6.81 $7,652,842
April / 2014 834 268 192 2 0.68% Unknown 6.34 $8,119,935
March / 2014 1102 -120 190 -7 0.22% Unknown 7.82 $8,016,707
February / 2014 982 -75 197 7 1.13% Unknown 8.14 $8,016,240
January / 2014 907 226 190 -2 0.26% Unknown 7.81 $7,739,090
December / 2013 1133 -90 192 -2 0.58% Unknown 7.08 $7,887,294
November / 2013 1043 -96 194 -5 0.65% Unknown 8.56 $7,748,233
October / 2013 947 106 199 3 1.39% Unknown 9.46 $7,686,321
September / 2013 1053 -267 196 3 0.83% Unknown 9.81 $7,548,495
August / 2013 786 46 193 -11 0.24% Unknown 12.51 $7,292,268
July / 2013 832 0 204 New 1.83% Unknown 14.63 $7,326,135


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


SEB Credit Oppurtunity lll HNWD H-EUR's best month was July 2013, ranked #832 with a HedgeScore of 204 earning a 1.83% positive return of $134,068.

SEB Credit Oppurtunity lll HNWD H-EUR's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #676 with a HedgeScore of 188 taking a -0.64% loss of -$38,727.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!