SF (Lux) 3 Key Multi-Manager Hdgd USD I

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1418
All-time Average Score: 147
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 1102 38 132 -1 -0.46% Unknown 1.17
October / 2015 1140 -38 133 1 -0.37% Unknown 1.69
September / 2015 1102 25 132 0 -0.46% Unknown 1.17
August / 2015 1127 23 132 -15 -1.06% Unknown 2.17
July / 2015 1150 59 147 2 0.05% Unknown 3.45
June / 2015 1209 46 145 9 -0.01% Unknown 3.83
May / 2015 1255 87 136 1 0.42% Unknown 5.11
April / 2015 1342 -750 135 -73 0.37% Unknown 4.47
March / 2015 592 201 208 12 1.01% Unknown 3.23 $25,165,044
February / 2015 793 -147 196 -4 0.07% Unknown 2.44 $20,901,545
January / 2015 646 58 200 -2 0.24% Unknown 3.99 $20,288,105
December / 2014 704 779 202 63 0.41% Unknown 4.38 $20,493,259
November / 2014 1483 -602 139 -47 1.01% Unknown 4.20
October / 2014 881 1940 186 48 -0.88% Unknown 3.63 $20,786,870
September / 2014 2821 -1247 138 2 0.53% Unknown 6.21
August / 2014 1574 -73 136 -2 0.18% Unknown 6.81
July / 2014 1501 894 138 -6 0.41% Unknown 6.38
June / 2014 2395 -638 144 21 1.23% Unknown 7.53
May / 2014 1757 -79 123 2 -0.19% Unknown 3.51
April / 2014 1678 126 121 -15 -0.81% Unknown 5.31
March / 2014 1804 -159 136 -8 0.25% Unknown 7.20
February / 2014 1645 -56 144 7 1.57% Unknown 7.49
January / 2014 1589 294 137 2 0.62% Unknown 5.62
December / 2013 1883 -164 135 -3 0.24% Unknown 6.43
November / 2013 1719 70 138 0 0.46% Unknown 7.55
September / 2013 1789 -181 138 14 1.10% Unknown 4.91
August / 2013 1608 -180 124 -17 -0.23% Unknown 4.40
July / 2013 1428 0 141 New 1.50% Unknown 5.74


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


SF (Lux) 3 Key Multi-Manager Hdgd USD I's best month was February 2014, ranked #1645 with a HedgeScore of 144 earning a 1.57% positive return.

SF (Lux) 3 Key Multi-Manager Hdgd USD I's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1127 with a HedgeScore of 132 taking a -1.06% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!