
Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1376
Current Score: 95
Current Rank: 1376
All-time Average Rank: 1392
All-time Average Score: 134
Max Drawdown: -14.16
Annualized Standard Deviation: 13.06
Year to Date Return: -7.11
5-Star Rating: 13.06

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1376 560 95 25 5.55% Unknown -6.05 -7.07
April / 2016 1936 -791 70 4 1.19% Unknown -10.98 -11.88
March / 2016 1145 -137 66 31 0.79% Unknown -12.00 -12.89
March / 2016 1008 -41 35 6 -3.97% Unknown -14.04 -13.57
January / 2016 967 -335 29 -153 -10.14% Unknown -10.42 -10.00
December / 2015 632 -252 182 -22 -1.48% Unknown 13.11 80.41
November / 2015 380 132 204 0 1.37% Unknown 14.66 83.88
October / 2015 512 120 204 22 1.74% Unknown 14.48 75.82
September / 2015 632 359 182 38 -1.48% Unknown 13.11 80.41
August / 2015 991 -150 144 -33 -1.13% Unknown 13.11
July / 2015 841 398 177 35 3.50% Unknown 15.29
June / 2015 1239 -200 142 -20 -1.07% Unknown 9.49
May / 2015 1039 -245 162 -23 0.89% Unknown 10.89
April / 2015 794 964 185 156 24.28% Unknown 10.21
March / 2015 1758 -466 29 -118 -17.30% Unknown -11.03
March / 2015 1292 331 147 43 7.68% Unknown 0.73
January / 2015 1623 130 104 15 0.28% Unknown -3.75
December / 2014 1753 -40 89 -26 -0.45% Unknown -6.79
November / 2014 1713 103 115 18 1.22% Unknown -1.01
October / 2014 1816 1329 97 -28 -1.00% Unknown -0.58
September / 2014 3145 -1556 125 -10 0.03% Unknown 4.55
August / 2014 1589 252 135 25 0.78% Unknown 7.12
July / 2014 1841 899 110 -21 -1.71% Unknown 4.27
June / 2014 2740 -1250 131 -5 0.19% Unknown 6.93
April / 2014 1490 693 136 30 0.33% Unknown 10.92
March / 2014 2183 -750 106 -55 -6.37% Unknown 13.15
March / 2014 1433 -54 161 -13 2.89% Unknown 23.21
December / 2013 1379 104 174 15 5.71% Unknown 30.50
November / 2013 1483 -194 159 -9 1.66% Unknown 26.88
October / 2013 1289 169 168 3 4.12% Unknown 27.23
September / 2013 1458 43 165 30 2.48% Unknown 31.00
August / 2013 1501 -274 135 -27 -1.89% Unknown 31.02
July / 2013 1227 175 162 18 0.79% Unknown 37.95
June / 2013 1402 -280 144 -35 -0.96% Unknown 37.06
May / 2013 1122 402 179 46 5.22% Unknown 38.93
April / 2013 1524 -203 133 -25 2.35% Unknown
March / 2013 1321 -6 158 9 1.96% Unknown 19.29
March / 2013 1315 0 149 New 0.34% Unknown 19.31


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Tosca's best month was April 2015, ranked #794 with a HedgeScore of 185 earning a 24.28% positive return.

Tosca's worst month was March 2015 , ranked #1758 with a HedgeScore of 29 taking a -17.30% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!