Blackheath Vol Arb Offshore LTD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1229
All-time Average Score: 158
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
June / 2015 1770 -204 44 -24 -6.12% Unknown -28.89 1.12 $740,000
May / 2015 1566 36 68 -20 -4.19% Unknown -21.91 8.78 $1,140,000
April / 2015 1602 83 88 9 -1.05% Unknown -16.23 7.32 $1,190,000
March / 2015 1685 -212 79 -51 -5.74% Unknown -13.84 11.50 $1,200,000
February / 2015 1473 258 130 65 0.48% Unknown -11.92 24.86 $1,410,000
January / 2015 1731 -529 65 -90 -7.83% Unknown -13.92 29.99 $1
December / 2014 1202 -151 155 -21 -0.40% Unknown -8.36 41.32 $1,430,000
November / 2014 1051 336 176 37 0.98% Unknown -7.09 47.24 $1,440,000
October / 2014 1387 -432 139 -72 -8.42% Unknown -6.34 55.83 $1,640,000
September / 2014 955 -268 211 -9 0.21% Unknown 1.98 72.03 $2,010,000
August / 2014 687 85 220 16 0.24% Unknown 7.76 73.69 $2,180,000
July / 2014 772 -8 204 -27 -0.57% Unknown 4.51 83.38 $1,980,000
June / 2014 764 0 231 22 3.10% Unknown 4.38 88.76 $2,000,000
May / 2014 764 115 209 21 2.77% Unknown -1.08 87.78 $1,940,000
April / 2014 879 746 188 40 1.70% Unknown -8.16 89.82 $1,880,000
March / 2014 1625 -198 148 -13 -3.64% Unknown -11.61 90.91 $1,850,000
February / 2014 1427 -179 161 -2 -1.90% Unknown -6.71 95.34 $1,920,000
January / 2014 1248 -114 163 -29 -2.21% Unknown -5.73 99.76 $1,960,000
December / 2013 1134 268 192 25 0.98% Unknown -4.64 103.33 $2,000,000
November / 2013 1402 128 167 20 1.80% Unknown -4.84 $1,980,000
October / 2013 1530 -325 147 -36 -0.29% Unknown -4.16 $1,950,000
September / 2013 1205 344 183 53 5.89% Unknown -2.60 $1,950,000
August / 2013 1549 -404 130 -40 -2.78% Unknown -8.20 $1,850,000
July / 2013 1145 -137 170 -5 -0.69% Unknown 2.79 $1,900,000
June / 2013 1008 252 175 6 -2.30% Unknown 10.12 $1,900,000
May / 2013 1260 -538 169 -48 -4.58% Unknown 8.15 $2,000,000
March / 2013 722 145 217 27 1.70% Unknown 18.15 $2,000,000
February / 2013 867 0 190 New -1.90% Unknown 16.48 $2,000,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Blackheath Vol Arb Offshore LTD's best month was September 2013, ranked #1205 with a HedgeScore of 183 earning a 5.89% positive return of $114,855.

Blackheath Vol Arb Offshore LTD's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1387 with a HedgeScore of 139 taking a -8.42% loss of -$138,088.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!