UBS (CH) IF Eqs CHE Pass Lg IA1

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 225
All-time Average Score: 284
Max Drawdown:
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 404 0 211 0 -3.47% Unknown -0.83 56.96 $38,826,076
September / 2015 404 -104 211 -19 -3.47% Unknown -0.83 56.96 $38,826,076
August / 2015 300 -187 230 -76 -6.40% Unknown 4.88 65.64 $45,280,320
July / 2015 113 228 306 69 7.40% Unknown 15.36 76.37 $48,473,645
June / 2015 341 -180 237 -51 -4.94% Unknown 5.58 66.40 $46,507,627
April / 2015 161 -1 288 -6 0.64% Unknown 10.18 59.21 $85,029,192
March / 2015 160 -18 294 -13 2.46% Unknown 11.11 54.05 $78,601,978
February / 2015 142 220 307 68 7.50% Unknown 8.80 55.79 $78,494,930
January / 2015 362 -122 239 -34 -6.64% Unknown 5.40 50.98 $75,048,125
December / 2014 240 -115 273 -40 -1.82% Unknown 12.72 59.10 $77,366,875
November / 2014 125 61 313 27 3.57% Unknown 13.94 69.40 $81,082,333
October / 2014 186 -29 286 -20 0.00% Unknown 10.41 62.89 $78,684,949
September / 2014 157 -11 306 -4 2.09% Unknown 13.31 61.90 $83,743,047
August / 2014 146 110 310 38 2.96% Unknown 14.99 61.29 $84,876,735
July / 2014 256 78 272 -8 -1.70% Unknown 10.63 63.64 $82,184,236
June / 2014 334 -180 280 -25 -1.45% Unknown 14.53 83.61 $84,193,042
May / 2014 154 0 305 9 2.85% Unknown 12.34 88.18 $87,164,608
April / 2014 154 71 296 2 1.48% Unknown 9.88 87.43 $84,682,635
March / 2014 225 -42 294 -19 0.34% Unknown 11.23 98.42 $85,947,798
February / 2014 183 43 313 30 4.13% Unknown 14.73 109.00 $85,592,262
January / 2014 226 94 283 -3 -0.16% Unknown 13.95 79.64 $93,038,038
December / 2013 320 -69 286 -16 -0.76% Unknown 23.62 71.95 $97,895,967
November / 2013 251 -68 302 -9 0.36% Unknown 24.58 64.84 $106,573,839
October / 2013 183 41 311 2 2.62% Unknown 28.35 55.23 $97,874,635
September / 2013 224 22 309 37 3.61% Unknown 26.96 39.85 $96,085,562
August / 2013 246 -14 272 -25 -0.95% Unknown 24.64 24.17 $89,685,013
July / 2013 232 46 297 31 1.77% Unknown 25.59 27.05 $91,135,551
June / 2013 278 -80 266 -33 -3.34% Unknown 30.13 28.36 $87,672,365
May / 2013 198 -49 299 -2 0.59% Unknown 39.58 23.03 $89,414,816
April / 2013 149 38 301 4 2.73% Unknown 33.46 22.49 $91,414,751
March / 2013 187 -18 297 4 3.50% Unknown 29.21 26.08 $85,345,823
February / 2013 169 0 293 New 3.43% Unknown 28.28 17.26 $83,982,025


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UBS (CH) IF Eqs CHE Pass Lg IA1's best month was February 2015, ranked #142 with a HedgeScore of 307 earning a 7.50% positive return of $5,887,120.

UBS (CH) IF Eqs CHE Pass Lg IA1's worst month was January 2015 , ranked #362 with a HedgeScore of 239 taking a -6.64% loss of -$4,983,196.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!