UBS (CH) IF Eqs Switzerland IA1

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 364
All-time Average Score: 257
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 533 0 194 0 -3.89% Unknown -1.03 48.12 $19,109,238
September / 2015 533 -160 194 -19 -3.89% Unknown -1.03 48.12 $19,109,238
August / 2015 373 -220 213 -75 -6.54% Unknown 4.45 57.82 $20,400,007
July / 2015 153 273 288 66 6.94% Unknown 14.79 67.46 $21,998,776
June / 2015 426 -144 222 -36 -4.99% Unknown 5.63 58.83 $21,139,822
April / 2015 282 -15 258 -5 0.82% Unknown 10.01 51.46 $20,342,376
March / 2015 267 -16 263 -14 2.46% Unknown 10.52 45.99 $19,429,624
February / 2015 251 306 277 67 7.63% Unknown 8.06 49.19 $19,165,498
January / 2015 557 -169 210 -35 -6.42% Unknown 4.35 43.23 $20,842,348
December / 2014 388 -152 245 -38 -1.43% Unknown 11.26 51.63 $20,911,622
November / 2014 236 131 283 34 3.91% Unknown 12.37 60.86 $21,126,150
October / 2014 367 -51 249 -23 -0.36% Unknown 8.88 54.29 $20,705,758
September / 2014 316 -27 272 -7 1.43% Unknown 12.64 53.30 $20,740,743
August / 2014 289 142 279 36 2.72% Unknown 15.07 54.54 $21,120,920
July / 2014 431 151 243 -7 -1.59% Unknown 11.24 57.78 $21,128,577
June / 2014 582 -301 250 -25 -1.44% Unknown 15.88 75.45 $21,142,914
May / 2014 281 -7 275 5 2.52% Unknown 14.01 79.40 $23,072,164
April / 2014 274 89 270 4 1.29% Unknown 12.12 79.98 $26,804,278
March / 2014 363 -68 266 -20 0.19% Unknown 13.68 92.65 $25,890,756
February / 2014 295 104 286 34 3.93% Unknown 17.08 103.30 $24,817,827
January / 2014 399 80 252 -9 -0.23% Unknown 16.10 75.19 $21,590,663
December / 2013 479 -110 261 -15 -0.44% Unknown 25.75 68.76 $30,497,543
November / 2013 369 -80 276 -9 0.68% Unknown 26.71 62.59 $30,386,250
October / 2013 289 64 285 4 3.09% Unknown 29.82 53.01 $29,878,812
September / 2013 353 39 281 35 3.61% Unknown 27.20 35.20 $30,025,586
August / 2013 392 -38 246 -26 -0.70% Unknown 25.16 20.51 $28,681,800
July / 2013 354 84 272 34 2.51% Unknown 25.40 23.74 $29,411,011
June / 2013 438 -89 238 -32 -3.03% Unknown 28.26 23.08 $28,172,611
May / 2013 349 -24 270 3 0.83% Unknown 36.66 17.32 $28,389,390
April / 2013 325 51 267 4 2.70% Unknown 28.96 16.82 $28,819,415
March / 2013 376 -41 263 3 3.19% Unknown 24.44 19.36 $27,885,341
February / 2013 335 0 260 New 3.06% Unknown 23.12 11.36 $29,491,602


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UBS (CH) IF Eqs Switzerland IA1's best month was February 2015, ranked #251 with a HedgeScore of 277 earning a 7.63% positive return of $1,462,327.

UBS (CH) IF Eqs Switzerland IA1's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #373 with a HedgeScore of 213 taking a -6.54% loss of -$1,334,160.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!