UBS (CH) IF Eqs Switzerland IB

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 189
All-time Average Score: 292
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 273 0 233 0 -3.85% Unknown -0.58 51.43 $109,180,477
September / 2015 273 -63 233 -18 -3.85% Unknown -0.58 51.43 $109,180,477
August / 2015 210 -139 251 -77 -6.51% Unknown 4.92 61.35 $114,783,643
July / 2015 71 154 328 67 6.99% Unknown 15.31 71.23 $127,244,942
June / 2015 225 -86 261 -34 -4.96% Unknown 6.11 62.40 $121,756,697
April / 2015 139 8 295 -5 0.87% Unknown 10.51 54.90 $107,084,142
March / 2015 147 -27 300 -14 2.50% Unknown 11.02 49.31 $104,348,758
February / 2015 120 205 314 70 7.66% Unknown 8.55 52.60 $107,418,476
January / 2015 325 -105 244 -35 -6.39% Unknown 4.81 46.51 $99,920,789
December / 2014 220 -102 279 -39 -1.39% Unknown 11.75 55.11 $99,527,250
November / 2014 118 77 318 34 3.94% Unknown 12.87 64.56 $104,580,356
October / 2014 195 -39 284 -22 -0.32% Unknown 9.36 57.85 $101,434,625
September / 2014 156 -24 306 -7 1.47% Unknown 13.14 56.84 $99,398,784
August / 2014 132 98 313 36 2.75% Unknown 15.58 58.13 $103,154,553
July / 2014 230 71 277 -8 -1.55% Unknown 11.74 61.46 $101,048,259
June / 2014 301 -163 285 -25 -1.40% Unknown 16.39 79.56 $105,649,848
May / 2014 138 -1 310 9 2.56% Unknown 14.52 83.62 $109,433,290
April / 2014 137 53 301 -1 1.33% Unknown 12.62 84.22 $104,664,984
March / 2014 190 -41 302 -21 0.22% Unknown 14.18 97.20 $120,230,357
February / 2014 149 46 323 34 3.96% Unknown 17.60 108.12 $124,727,964
January / 2014 195 79 289 -7 -0.19% Unknown 16.62 79.44 $115,580,516
December / 2013 274 -61 296 -15 -0.40% Unknown 26.31 72.86 $131,106,549
November / 2013 213 -70 311 -11 0.72% Unknown 27.28 66.56 $129,905,867
October / 2013 143 37 322 4 3.13% Unknown 30.39 56.76 $142,600,562
September / 2013 180 14 318 36 3.65% Unknown 27.77 38.52 $138,443,120
August / 2013 194 -9 282 -25 -0.66% Unknown 25.71 23.49 $127,532,620
July / 2013 185 63 307 35 2.55% Unknown 25.95 26.80 $129,885,100
June / 2013 248 -80 272 -33 -2.99% Unknown 28.82 26.13 $122,327,975
May / 2013 168 -24 305 2 0.86% Unknown 37.27 20.24 $124,334,989
April / 2013 144 38 303 5 2.73% Unknown 29.53 19.73 $129,469,291
March / 2013 182 -23 298 2 3.23% Unknown 24.99 22.35 $126,850,308
February / 2013 159 0 296 New 3.09% Unknown 23.65 14.15 $129,124,972


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund July 2015


UBS (CH) IF Eqs Switzerland IB's best month was February 2015, ranked #120 with a HedgeScore of 314 earning a 7.66% positive return of $8,228,255.

UBS (CH) IF Eqs Switzerland IB's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #210 with a HedgeScore of 251 taking a -6.51% loss of -$7,472,415.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!