Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fd A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 955
All-time Average Score: 189
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 73 -4 312 2 0.68% Unknown 14.42 $339,646,111
March / 2016 69 363 310 163 0.50% Unknown 14.13 $339,646,111
February / 2016 432 12 147 0 0.51% Unknown 15.04
January / 2016 444 531 147 3 0.41% Unknown 15.04
December / 2015 975 -113 144 -21 0.46% Unknown 11.62
October / 2015 862 113 165 21 4.71% Unknown 16.22
September / 2015 975 0 144 -2 0.46% Unknown 11.62
August / 2015 975 203 146 1 0.66% Unknown 11.62
July / 2015 1178 17 145 -1 0.59% Unknown 11.68
June / 2015 1195 -98 146 -11 0.66% Unknown 12.23
May / 2015 1097 231 157 14 3.09% Unknown 12.28
February / 2015 1328 -162 143 -6 0.50% Unknown 10.27
January / 2015 1166 156 149 8 1.57% Unknown 10.31
December / 2014 1322 90 141 -4 0.34% Unknown 9.42
November / 2014 1412 1250 145 1 0.75% Unknown 9.98
September / 2014 2662 -1195 144 -1 0.64% Unknown 10.44
August / 2014 1467 62 145 2 0.71% Unknown 10.71
May / 2014 1529 -245 143 -12 0.69% Unknown 9.03
April / 2014 1284 348 155 7 1.65% Unknown 17.12
March / 2014 1632 -1471 148 -151 0.79% Unknown 14.46
January / 2014 161 1586 299 151 0.75% Unknown 11.03 $558,187,797
December / 2013 1747 -1489 148 -152 0.85% Unknown 12.67
November / 2013 258 -39 300 -1 0.72% Unknown 12.65 $552,277,750
October / 2013 219 30 301 0 0.83% Unknown 14.60 $540,812,705
September / 2013 249 -125 301 3 0.88% Unknown 14.60 $542,332,289
August / 2013 124 0 298 New 0.53% Unknown 17.52 $492,036,437


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2016
Top 100 Hedge Fund April 2016


Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fd A's best month was October 2015, ranked #862 with a HedgeScore of 165 earning a 4.71% positive return.

Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fd A's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #1322 with a HedgeScore of 141 earning a 0.34% positive return.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!