Vol Edge A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1954
All-time Average Score: -27
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
January / 2016 919 762 53 62 18.36% Unknown -47.56 -99.41 $4,472,945
December / 2015 1681 -392 -9 -14 -1.05% Unknown -6.12 -99.62 $340,829
November / 2015 1289 232 5 101 0.79% Unknown -37.48 -99.71 $2,920,625
October / 2015 1521 160 -96 -87 -33.27% Unknown -43.18 -99.65 $1,443,068
September / 2015 1681 -558 -9 -141 -1.05% Unknown -6.12 -99.62 $340,829
August / 2015 1123 586 132 224 60.78% Unknown -9.46 -99.69 $907,064
July / 2015 1709 32 -92 -156 -32.64% Unknown -51.03 -99.82 $2,815,851
June / 2015 1741 -51 64 72 11.34% Unknown -21.25 -99.77 $4,056,276
April / 2015 1690 78 -8 -29 -4.98% Unknown -37.03 -99.64 $3,399,676
March / 2015 1768 85 21 89 1.52% Unknown -41.80 -99.53 $3,431,955
February / 2015 1853 -66 -68 -87 -25.66% Unknown -47.29 -99.60 $3,529,155
January / 2015 1787 26 19 -52 3.36% Unknown -40.77 -99.53 $4,834,131
December / 2014 1813 169 71 117 26.51% Unknown -40.90 -99.63 $5,014,642
November / 2014 1982 3 -46 -66 -8.40% Unknown -59.99 -99.76 $5,288,209
October / 2014 1985 1768 20 71 10.25% Unknown -60.65 -99.74 $4,675,193
September / 2014 3753 -1747 -51 28 -4.57% Unknown -71.70 -99.76 $5,172,672
August / 2014 2006 34 -79 -80 -13.03% Unknown -77.48 -99.81 $5,668,310
July / 2014 2040 1614 1 90 8.32% Unknown -72.49 -99.77 $5,225,260
June / 2014 3654 -1595 -89 -10 -15.03% Unknown -80.59 -99.83 $4,930,470
May / 2014 2059 -58 -79 -16 -12.97% Unknown -76.35 -99.82 $5,353,501
April / 2014 2001 399 -63 -12 -12.16% Unknown -70.90 -99.82 $10,581,929
March / 2014 2400 -265 -51 18 -8.07% Unknown -72.54 -99.86 $11,969,090
February / 2014 2135 -30 -69 -81 -16.46% Unknown -74.43 -99.83 $15,571,172
January / 2014 2105 181 12 84 3.13% Unknown -64.88 -99.81 $18,198,921
December / 2013 2286 -144 -72 -13 -14.34% Unknown -82.54 -99.81 $18,295,067
November / 2013 2142 -210 -59 29 -9.91% Unknown -82.08 -99.80 $21,295,821
October / 2013 1932 261 -88 6 -20.72% Unknown -86.08 -99.76 $20,639,404
September / 2013 2193 -309 -94 -95 -24.05% Unknown -85.09 -99.02 $19,931,305
August / 2013 1884 -140 1 98 6.23% Unknown -87.47 -98.06 $24,404,051
July / 2013 1744 205 -97 -91 -23.59% Unknown -90.25 -98.23 $23,044,819
June / 2013 1949 -71 -6 -5 3.55% Unknown -88.39 -97.69 $28,973,275
May / 2013 1878 -8 -1 84 7.10% Unknown -92.55 -97.85 $27,423,745
April / 2013 1870 69 -85 -11 -17.12% Unknown -90.47 -97.81 $26,480,309
March / 2013 1939 -57 -74 -99 -14.41% Unknown -87.55 -97.89 $31,218,746
February / 2013 1882 0 25 New 14.76% Unknown -88.94 -97.28 $36,773,857


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Vol Edge A's best month was August 2015, ranked #1123 with a HedgeScore of 132 earning a 60.78% positive return of $551,313.

Vol Edge A's worst month was October 2015 , ranked #1521 with a HedgeScore of -96 taking a -33.27% loss of -$480,109.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!