Vol Edge B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1972
All-time Average Score: -60
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
January / 2016 997 703 3 37 17.52% Unknown -52.37 -99.56 $261
December / 2015 1700 -385 -34 38 -1.32% Unknown -21.33 -99.70 $88,312
November / 2015 1315 209 -72 63 -4.03% Unknown -50.17 -99.78 $232
October / 2015 1524 176 -135 -101 -33.78% Unknown -52.40 -99.74 $240
September / 2015 1700 -307 -34 -136 -1.32% Unknown -21.33 -99.70 $88,312
August / 2015 1393 324 102 236 61.70% Unknown -27.16 -99.74 $89,637
July / 2015 1717 26 -134 -196 -36.20% Unknown -61.48 -99.86 $55,225
June / 2015 1743 -55 62 62 12.76% Unknown -35.94 -99.79 $8,745,444
April / 2015 1688 117 0 51 -1.23% Unknown -49.26 -99.69 $9,501,222
March / 2015 1805 49 -51 56 -2.80% Unknown -54.58 -99.63 $95,449
February / 2015 1854 -40 -107 -65 -26.04% Unknown -57.12 -99.67 $98,115
January / 2015 1814 86 -42 -71 -3.70% Unknown -50.44 -99.62 $1,013,170
December / 2014 1900 85 29 106 22.30% Unknown -48.08 -99.69 $137,504
November / 2014 1985 12 -77 -65 -8.31% Unknown -63.06 -99.80 $161,305
October / 2014 1997 1758 -12 80 9.44% Unknown -63.77 -99.78 $176,263
September / 2014 3755 -1748 -92 18 -8.63% Unknown -73.64 -99.79 $161,109
August / 2014 2007 34 -110 -79 -14.48% Unknown -77.51 -99.82 $176,018
July / 2014 2041 1614 -31 82 6.09% Unknown -72.27 -99.78 $205,704
June / 2014 3655 -1595 -113 -12 -14.81% Unknown -79.59 -99.83 $194,100
May / 2014 2060 -58 -101 -13 -14.38% Unknown -75.11 -99.83 $486,869
April / 2014 2002 399 -88 -10 -11.59% Unknown -69.40 -99.82 $568,414
March / 2014 2401 -265 -78 18 -8.23% Unknown -70.56 -99.85 $642,932
February / 2014 2136 -29 -96 -65 -14.52% Unknown -73.02 -99.82 $700,770
January / 2014 2107 180 -31 72 0.89% Unknown -65.12 -99.80 $819,026
December / 2013 2287 -143 -103 -8 -13.00% Unknown -81.75 -99.81 $811,673
November / 2013 2144 -211 -95 26 -10.07% Unknown -81.31 -99.78 $933,414
October / 2013 1933 261 -121 0 -20.37% Unknown -85.40 -99.74 $1,037,465
September / 2013 2194 -304 -121 -86 -22.05% Unknown -84.32 -99.05 $1,302,632
August / 2013 1890 -145 -35 91 5.45% Unknown -86.89 -98.26 $1,671,050
July / 2013 1745 208 -126 -86 -21.89% Unknown -89.48 -98.49 $1,584,227
June / 2013 1953 -69 -40 1 3.87% Unknown -88.12 -98.09 $2,028,964
May / 2013 1884 -15 -41 43 5.24% Unknown -92.20 -98.20 $1,953,413
April / 2013 1869 71 -84 0 -14.91% Unknown -90.50 $1,855,445
March / 2013 1940 -51 -84 -91 -15.92% Unknown -87.99 $1,871,832
February / 2013 1889 0 7 New 10.54% Unknown -89.19 $2,226,379


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Vol Edge B's best month was August 2015, ranked #1393 with a HedgeScore of 102 earning a 61.70% positive return of $55,306.

Vol Edge B's worst month was July 2015 , ranked #1717 with a HedgeScore of -134 taking a -36.20% loss of -$19,991.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!