WERMUTH Lvrgd Quant Eastrn Eurp Strgy IC

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 1370
All-time Average Score: 148
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
January / 2016 298 435 171 -10 1.86% Unknown 16.51 15.15
June / 2015 733 -419 181 -71 -1.43% Unknown 16.21 20.61 $2,047,932
April / 2015 314 732 252 89 14.56% Unknown 44.96 24.95 $332,841
March / 2015 1046 -332 163 -41 0.88% Unknown 17.38 4.47 $290,526
March / 2015 714 388 204 49 11.00% Unknown 24.04 16.17 $307,476
January / 2015 1102 -19 155 -11 2.45% Unknown 14.55 -1.15 $276,994
December / 2014 1083 341 166 23 7.43% Unknown 8.01 -1.77 $270,376
November / 2014 1424 362 143 24 4.02% Unknown 2.69 -0.13 $251,679
August / 2014 1786 50 119 9 -1.38% Unknown 2.89 6.12 $245,031
July / 2014 1836 539 110 -34 -2.37% Unknown 1.94 2.49 $248,462
June / 2014 2375 -1023 144 -13 0.33% Unknown 7.88 7.51 $254,501
May / 2014 1352 636 157 34 10.48% Unknown 6.71 -8.94 $253,666
March / 2014 1988 -118 123 -1 -0.16% Unknown -3.79 61.64 $247,499
March / 2014 1870 170 124 46 2.52% Unknown -5.48 110.90
January / 2014 2040 -1012 78 -113 -3.40% Unknown -14.56 127.75
October / 2013 1028 -116 191 -17 0.27% Unknown 1.62 102.80 $1,494,054
September / 2013 912 128 208 36 8.66% Unknown -3.67 124.58 $1,489,415
August / 2013 1040 623 172 51 0.55% Unknown -6.29 118.79 $1,410,673
June / 2013 1663 149 121 26 -0.90% Unknown -14.59 99.87 $1,356,015
May / 2013 1812 -212 95 -29 -7.09% Unknown -12.51 86.21 $1,355,357
April / 2013 1600 134 124 10 -1.61% Unknown -14.35 131.41 $1,456,855
March / 2013 1734 26 114 15 -1.89% Unknown -18.89 125.60 $1,479,458
March / 2013 1760 0 99 New -7.32% Unknown -19.80 120.05 $1,507,997


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WERMUTH Lvrgd Quant Eastrn Eurp Strgy IC's best month was April 2015, ranked #314 with a HedgeScore of 252 earning a 14.56% positive return of $48,462.

WERMUTH Lvrgd Quant Eastrn Eurp Strgy IC's worst month was March 2013 , ranked #1760 with a HedgeScore of 99 taking a -7.32% loss of -$110,385.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!