Jabre Capital Global Bal A1 USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 876
All-time Average Score: 189
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 1529 -1044 115 -23 -2.20% Unknown -26.70 11.98 $21,795,322
January / 2016 485 178 138 -38 -8.14% Unknown -10.14 6.09 $23,869,572
December / 2015 663 141 176 28 -4.97% Unknown -8.27 25.53 $27,080,477
November / 2015 804 -515 148 -97 1.70% Unknown -5.11 31.65
October / 2015 289 374 245 69 7.24% Unknown -2.46 32.63 $28,958,041
September / 2015 663 732 176 74 -4.97% Unknown -8.27 25.53 $27,080,477
August / 2015 1395 -1018 102 -128 -10.16% Unknown -7.32 31.89
June / 2015 377 136 230 11 -6.00% Unknown 4.28 34.25 $34,043,083
May / 2015 513 77 219 8 4.39% Unknown 17.05 38.88
April / 2015 590 195 211 22 4.03% Unknown 16.60 31.37
March / 2015 785 -107 189 -21 0.85% Unknown 10.26 27.48
February / 2015 678 483 210 61 9.35% Unknown 5.13 33.34
January / 2015 1161 -444 149 -59 -2.65% Unknown 1.81 24.18
November / 2014 717 130 208 19 4.09% Unknown 11.14 41.31
October / 2014 847 1189 189 26 0.85% Unknown 9.93 37.58
September / 2014 2036 -1264 163 -48 -3.98% Unknown 15.52 28.56
August / 2014 772 234 211 31 2.64% Unknown 29.80 34.76
July / 2014 1006 -92 180 -38 -1.70% Unknown 26.75 38.86
June / 2014 914 -123 218 12 3.59% Unknown 35.42 53.57
May / 2014 791 374 206 42 3.99% Unknown 21.79 46.38
April / 2014 1165 205 164 -4 -1.62% Unknown 14.51 52.89
March / 2014 1370 -636 168 -51 -3.84% Unknown 29.97 69.04
February / 2014 734 482 219 54 5.89% Unknown 40.59 76.73
January / 2014 1216 -358 165 -51 -3.46% Unknown 33.24 68.93
December / 2013 858 -58 216 -2 4.25% Unknown 46.38 77.63
November / 2013 800 -132 218 -9 2.96% Unknown 57.98 76.36
October / 2013 668 61 227 1 5.98% Unknown 59.43 75.18
September / 2013 729 122 226 39 7.89% Unknown 53.43 66.51
August / 2013 851 0 187 New 0.23% Unknown 44.31 49.94


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Jabre Capital Global Bal A1 USD's best month was February 2015, ranked #678 with a HedgeScore of 210 earning a 9.35% positive return.

Jabre Capital Global Bal A1 USD's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1395 with a HedgeScore of 102 taking a -10.16% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!