New Russian Generation Limited

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 837
Current Score: 150
Current Rank: 837
All-time Average Rank: 1553
All-time Average Score: 80
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return: 20.00
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 837 -315 150 -62 -7.69% Unknown -25.00 $78,834,082
April / 2016 522 -433 212 -85 8.33% Unknown -31.58 $81,605,254
March / 2016 89 255 297 135 33.33% Unknown $83,202,180
February / 2016 344 211 162 35 0.00% Unknown -52.63 $59,516,695
January / 2016 555 323 127 -10 -10.00% Unknown -43.75 $56,945,748
November / 2015 878 1 137 -26 -8.33% Unknown -38.89 $67,581,720
October / 2015 879 795 163 186 0.00% Unknown -60.00 $72,672,970
July / 2015 1674 41 -23 -95 -17.65% Unknown -69.57 -93.83 $86,111,222
June / 2015 1715 -92 72 63 6.25% Unknown -63.04 -92.17 $98,666,851
May / 2015 1623 -79 9 -96 -15.79% Unknown -27.27 -93.22 $103,414,271
April / 2015 1544 199 105 61 5.56% Unknown -5.00 -93.01 $113,941,991
March / 2015 1743 -249 44 -84 -5.26% Unknown -10.00 -93.43 $102,520,420
February / 2015 1494 310 128 143 18.75% Unknown -9.52 -90.73 $110,401,137
January / 2015 1804 -325 -15 -138 -23.81% Unknown -30.43 -92.23 $91,184,966
December / 2014 1479 505 123 198 16.67% Unknown -22.22 -88.83 $122,324,582
November / 2014 1984 11 -75 -74 -23.33% Unknown -8.00 -87.57
October / 2014 1995 1511 -1 -103 -11.76% Unknown 7.14 -83.52
September / 2014 3506 -1501 102 127 -8.11% Unknown 6.25 -81.91 $94,135,278
August / 2014 2005 27 -25 -68 -19.57% Unknown 8.82 -73.76
July / 2014 2032 -1949 43 -293 0.00% Unknown 27.78 -66.18
June / 2014 83 1892 336 256 109.09% Unknown 15.00 -67.38 $127,460,603
May / 2014 1975 6 80 39 10.00% Unknown -48.84 -84.29 $59,209,956
April / 2014 1981 153 41 39 0.00% Unknown -50.00 -77.78 $55,502,865
February / 2014 2134 -28 2 6 -8.70% Unknown -55.32 -70.42 $57,237,615
January / 2014 2106 19 -4 -18 -14.81% Unknown -54.00 -62.90 $62,344,752
November / 2013 2125 -205 14 -7 -10.71% Unknown -43.18 -78.07 $69,479,523
October / 2013 1920 236 21 -29 -12.50% Unknown -36.36 -83.91 $78,016,591
September / 2013 2156 -302 50 -7 -5.88% Unknown -30.43 -93.94 $88,638,824
August / 2013 1854 0 57 New -5.56% Unknown -28.58 -95.73 $93,504,496


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund June 2014


Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2016


New Russian Generation Limited's best month was June 2014, ranked #83 with a HedgeScore of 336 earning a 109.09% positive return of $139,046,772.

New Russian Generation Limited's worst month was January 2015 , ranked #1804 with a HedgeScore of -15 taking a -23.81% loss of -$21,711,140.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!