OAKS Global Opportunities Limited A EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 738
All-time Average Score: 205
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5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
October / 2015 572 491 197 60 3.51% Unknown -1.58 24.06 $2,685,317
August / 2015 1063 -631 137 -90 -7.93% Unknown -7.02 27.47 $2,710,120
July / 2015 432 95 227 18 3.41% Unknown 3.48 41.00 $2,902,464
June / 2015 527 -24 209 -11 0.66% Unknown 1.16 40.37 $2,830,390
May / 2015 503 239 220 29 3.00% Unknown 2.04 39.79 $2,766,636
April / 2015 742 140 191 13 0.02% Unknown 0.35 29.41 $2,745,407
March / 2015 882 7 178 -7 -0.11% Unknown -0.55 30.85 $2,630,873
February / 2015 889 -342 185 -26 -0.76% Unknown 0.71 36.26 $2,750,695
January / 2015 547 364 211 30 1.19% Unknown 1.78 39.86 $2,788,494
December / 2014 911 -95 181 -18 -2.49% Unknown 0.44 40.55 $2,954,906
November / 2014 816 24 199 10 -1.61% Unknown 4.62 45.17 $3,121,956
October / 2014 840 456 189 -4 -0.88% Unknown 9.07 $3,188,813
September / 2014 1296 -632 193 -30 -1.29% Unknown 14.17 $3,243,662
August / 2014 664 55 223 13 2.46% Unknown 18.42 $3,426,336
July / 2014 719 75 210 -18 1.09% Unknown 14.51 $3,396,802
June / 2014 794 -131 228 8 1.55% Unknown 17.40 $10,582,475
May / 2014 663 109 220 22 1.29% Unknown 12.66 $10,386,322
April / 2014 772 12 198 -16 -0.89% Unknown 12.46 $10,419,293
February / 2014 784 -64 214 8 0.30% Unknown 12.56 $12,488,799
January / 2014 720 -100 206 -31 -0.14% Unknown 12.99 $12,769,457
November / 2013 620 -40 237 -2 2.58% Unknown 16.52 $17,534,574
October / 2013 580 114 239 8 3.76% Unknown 14.38 $17,068,141
September / 2013 694 -9 231 27 2.38% Unknown 11.95 $16,378,687
August / 2013 685 0 204 New -0.92% Unknown 10.14 $15,582,878


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


OAKS Global Opportunities Limited A EUR's best month was October 2013, ranked #580 with a HedgeScore of 239 earning a 3.76% positive return of $641,762.

OAKS Global Opportunities Limited A EUR's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1063 with a HedgeScore of 137 taking a -7.93% loss of -$214,913.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!