OAKS Global Opportunities Limited B GBP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 721
All-time Average Score: 207
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
October / 2015 528 570 202 68 3.65% Unknown -0.27 $7,416,122
August / 2015 1098 -688 134 -96 -8.83% Unknown -6.44 $7,098,767
July / 2015 410 108 230 20 4.43% Unknown 5.92 $7,900,626
June / 2015 518 -16 210 -10 0.90% Unknown 2.95 $7,624,849
May / 2015 502 177 220 21 3.18% Unknown 4.10 $7,332,428
April / 2015 679 90 199 9 0.27% Unknown 2.60 $7,156,573
March / 2015 769 97 190 3 0.00% Unknown 1.32 $6,894,905
February / 2015 866 -339 187 -27 -0.68% Unknown 2.91 $7,177,618
January / 2015 527 331 214 28 1.30% Unknown 4.09 $9,277,473
December / 2014 858 -29 186 -12 -2.35% Unknown 2.72 $9,508,222
November / 2014 829 -169 198 -11 -1.82% Unknown 7.37 $9,779,504
October / 2014 660 254 209 -5 -0.96% Unknown 12.90 $10,175,502
September / 2014 914 -422 214 -34 -1.46% Unknown 19.55 $10,410,653
August / 2014 492 -2 248 14 3.22% Unknown 25.02 $10,823,216
July / 2014 490 203 234 -3 1.50% Unknown 19.91 $10,659,898
June / 2014 693 -104 237 8 2.02% Unknown 23.36 $10,636,733
May / 2014 589 134 229 25 1.70% Unknown 17.63 $10,227,829
April / 2014 723 186 204 2 -0.99% Unknown 17.44 $10,124,011
February / 2014 909 -41 202 8 0.46% Unknown 17.52 $9,990,974
January / 2014 868 -60 194 -23 -0.04% Unknown 17.92 $9,752,976
November / 2013 808 -75 217 -2 3.24% Unknown 21.23 $9,527,396
October / 2013 733 153 219 9 4.88% Unknown 18.31 $9,051,291
September / 2013 886 72 210 31 3.05% Unknown 14.66 $8,699,075
August / 2013 958 0 179 New -1.00% Unknown 12.14 $8,063,617


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


OAKS Global Opportunities Limited B GBP's best month was October 2013, ranked #733 with a HedgeScore of 219 earning a 4.88% positive return of $441,703.

OAKS Global Opportunities Limited B GBP's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1098 with a HedgeScore of 134 taking a -8.83% loss of -$626,821.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!