PIMCO Capital Securities Fd EUR Inst Acc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1553
All-time Average Score: 132
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 1329 -419 111 -23 -2.09% Unknown 2.72
November / 2015 910 167 134 -8 0.58% Unknown 3.96
October / 2015 1077 252 142 31 2.39% Unknown 3.90
September / 2015 1329 -66 111 -8 -2.09% Unknown 2.72
August / 2015 1263 -68 119 -24 -0.75% Unknown 3.19
July / 2015 1195 330 143 29 1.94% Unknown 4.51
June / 2015 1525 -225 114 -17 -1.33% Unknown 1.98
May / 2015 1300 59 131 -3 0.08% Unknown 3.99
April / 2015 1359 -64 134 -4 0.25% Unknown 5.27
March / 2015 1295 20 138 -6 0.59% Unknown 6.03
February / 2015 1315 -64 144 4 1.97% Unknown 5.79
January / 2015 1251 236 140 17 1.04% Unknown 6.01
December / 2014 1487 -15 123 -17 -0.69% Unknown 5.78
November / 2014 1472 -125 140 -4 0.52% Unknown 7.90
October / 2014 1347 1826 144 21 1.23% Unknown 8.45
September / 2014 3173 -1596 123 -9 -1.64% Unknown 9.92
July / 2014 1577 691 132 -17 -0.52% Unknown 13.03
June / 2014 2268 -797 149 2 0.61% Unknown 15.65
May / 2014 1471 -78 147 3 1.32% Unknown 12.16
April / 2014 1393 318 144 2 0.98% Unknown 10.81
March / 2014 1711 54 142 9 0.36% Unknown 12.70
February / 2014 1765 -38 133 7 2.18% Unknown
January / 2014 1727 217 126 -3 0.83% Unknown
December / 2013 1944 -104 129 1 1.30% Unknown
November / 2013 1840 -193 128 -6 1.03% Unknown
October / 2013 1647 266 134 6 2.60% Unknown
September / 2013 1913 -304 128 4 1.17% Unknown
August / 2013 1609 0 124 New 0.49% Unknown


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PIMCO Capital Securities Fd EUR Inst Acc's best month was October 2013, ranked #1647 with a HedgeScore of 134 earning a 2.60% positive return.

PIMCO Capital Securities Fd EUR Inst Acc's worst month was September 2015 , ranked #1329 with a HedgeScore of 111 taking a -2.09% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!