Borea Global Equities

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 945
All-time Average Score: 199
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2015 342 185 245 29 -4.63% Unknown 28.76 $53,612,899
March / 2015 527 -297 216 -66 5.84% Unknown 32.06
February / 2015 230 -58 282 2 2.80% Unknown 22.99 $47,049,572
January / 2015 172 31 280 -3 2.98% Unknown 19.64 $46,383,846
December / 2014 203 598 283 82 3.90% Unknown 17.37 $47,562,204
November / 2014 801 13 201 9 5.57% Unknown 15.12
October / 2014 814 957 192 19 3.30% Unknown 15.46
September / 2014 1771 -1140 173 -54 -0.11% Unknown 15.73
August / 2014 631 -203 227 -16 0.00% Unknown 22.91 $51,155,864
July / 2014 428 208 243 1 2.81% Unknown 20.84 $50,174,260
June / 2014 636 -71 242 11 2.73% Unknown 19.40 $51,333,866
May / 2014 565 1044 231 105 0.80% Unknown 15.11 $52,565,498
April / 2014 1609 221 126 -8 -2.18% Unknown 19.45
March / 2014 1830 -1216 134 -99 -1.43% Unknown 24.79
February / 2014 614 -130 233 -4 0.00% Unknown 28.74 $52,347,688
January / 2014 484 125 237 -5 1.03% Unknown 34.84 $32,910,688
December / 2013 609 629 242 62 1.90% Unknown 43.58 $28,021,131
November / 2013 1238 14 180 9 5.88% Unknown 41.09
October / 2013 1252 94 171 -3 3.55% Unknown 36.01
September / 2013 1346 198 174 43 6.09% Unknown 28.36
August / 2013 1544 -272 131 -26 -1.69% Unknown 21.87
July / 2013 1272 207 157 20 1.59% Unknown 24.97
June / 2013 1479 -224 137 -33 -0.96% Unknown 26.79
May / 2013 1255 66 170 14 4.60% Unknown 28.94
April / 2013 1321 42 156 3 2.18% Unknown 19.93
March / 2013 1363 -195 153 -11 1.69% Unknown 18.63
February / 2013 1168 0 164 New 4.73% Unknown 19.11


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Borea Global Equities's best month was September 2013, ranked #1346 with a HedgeScore of 174 earning a 6.09% positive return.

Borea Global Equities's worst month was April 2015 , ranked #342 with a HedgeScore of 245 taking a -4.63% loss of -$2,482,277.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!