Abraxas Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1638
All-time Average Score: 104
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
February / 2016 961 -98 57 -13 -1.47% Unknown -9.11 -11.85
January / 2016 863 327 70 -5 -0.32% Unknown -4.47 -10.67
November / 2015 1190 294 75 27 0.13% Unknown -9.05 -8.30
October / 2015 1484 59 48 -22 -4.63% Unknown -9.18 -8.72
August / 2015 1543 14 70 -11 -1.13% Unknown -5.76 -5.83
July / 2015 1557 -52 81 -34 -1.78% Unknown -6.10 -3.23
June / 2015 1505 49 115 35 2.96% Unknown -4.05 -2.83
May / 2015 1554 73 80 -3 -1.34% Unknown -6.78 -5.09
April / 2015 1627 85 83 13 -0.53% Unknown -6.45 -3.74
March / 2015 1712 -104 70 -49 -2.45% Unknown -6.38 -4.53
February / 2015 1608 117 119 51 3.56% Unknown -3.09 -3.35
January / 2015 1725 40 68 -18 -2.70% Unknown -5.25 -7.57
December / 2014 1765 -24 86 -25 -1.98% Unknown -3.63 -6.19
November / 2014 1741 85 111 17 0.02% Unknown -1.66 -3.80
October / 2014 1826 -119 94 -82 -5.78% Unknown 0.18 -2.50
September / 2014 1707 89 176 58 5.81% Unknown 6.27 4.46
August / 2014 1796 -285 118 -19 -1.52% Unknown 0.12 1.01
July / 2014 1511 1540 137 17 0.34% Unknown 0.20 2.60
June / 2014 3051 -1204 120 10 0.12% Unknown -1.55 0.70
May / 2014 1847 -160 110 -10 -1.15% Unknown -0.64 1.22
April / 2014 1687 16 120 -22 -0.45% Unknown 4.58 1.51
March / 2014 1703 -86 142 -4 1.03% Unknown 6.65 2.18
February / 2014 1617 237 146 33 1.37% Unknown 3.76 5.03
January / 2014 1854 -343 113 -43 -1.01% Unknown 1.00 4.07
November / 2013 1511 119 156 21 1.90% Unknown 4.12 8.79
October / 2013 1630 0 135 New 0.00% Unknown 1.68 12.66


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Abraxas Fund's best month was September 2014, ranked #1707 with a HedgeScore of 176 earning a 5.81% positive return.

Abraxas Fund's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1826 with a HedgeScore of 94 taking a -5.78% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!