Ada Series Total Return Fund LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 521
Current Score: 193
Current Rank: 521
All-time Average Rank: 709
All-time Average Score: 195
Max Drawdown: -5.89
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.59
Year to Date Return: 1.49
5-Star Rating: 8.59

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 521 212 193 8 0.28% Unknown -1.14 33.80 $5,556,431
April / 2016 733 -286 185 -29 -0.16% Unknown -0.51 31.67 $5,540,805
March / 2016 447 -100 214 -18 3.91% Unknown -0.17 35.10 $5,549,949
October / 2015 347 334 232 59 4.50% Unknown 1.63 46.45 $5,526,812
August / 2015 681 -292 173 -61 -4.31% Unknown -1.42 54.32 $5,347,245
July / 2015 389 3 234 -2 1.43% Unknown 5.51 58.03 $5,487,945
May / 2015 392 152 236 22 0.92% Unknown 6.04 58.95 $5,520,120
March / 2015 544 -137 214 -31 -1.07% Unknown 7.03 52.58 $5,459,819
February / 2015 407 1408 245 412 2.70% Unknown 8.29 59.11 $5,519,147
January / 2015 1815 -1351 -167 -408 -75.00% Unknown -72.75 -60.69 $5,373,641
November / 2014 464 122 241 24 1.68% Unknown 8.27 56.09 $5,431,360
October / 2014 586 674 217 22 1.76% Unknown 7.89 $5,066,163
September / 2014 1260 -622 195 -31 -1.55% Unknown 9.56 $4,974,728
August / 2014 638 258 226 36 2.42% Unknown 14.42 $5,002,778
July / 2014 896 -16 190 -30 -1.48% Unknown 8.44 $4,879,046
June / 2014 880 -156 220 7 1.43% Unknown 13.89 $4,952,430
May / 2014 724 -43 213 4 1.08% Unknown 10.42 $4,882,359
April / 2014 681 293 209 26 1.07% Unknown 8.53 $4,498,078
January / 2014 974 -164 183 -34 -2.52% Unknown 10.33 $3,640,000
November / 2013 810 -103 217 -5 1.32% Unknown 15.47 $3,182,380
October / 2013 707 0 222 New 3.41% Unknown 13.75 $2,940,860


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Ada Series Total Return Fund LP's best month was October 2015, ranked #347 with a HedgeScore of 232 earning a 4.50% positive return of $248,707.

Ada Series Total Return Fund LP's worst month was January 2015 , ranked #1815 with a HedgeScore of -167 taking a -75.00% loss of -$4,030,231.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!