Africa Sustainability Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1571
All-time Average Score: 95
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 1048 -107 152 25 14.06% Unknown -12.71 -16.82 $19,283,056
March / 2016 941 59 127 88 8.67% Unknown -17.00 -27.67 $19,283,056
February / 2016 1000 9 39 58 5.05% Unknown -26.74 -36.06
January / 2016 1009 289 -19 -12 -7.95% Unknown -26.89 -39.08
November / 2015 1298 375 -7 0 -6.59% Unknown -28.35 -33.11
August / 2015 1673 -17 -7 -16 -7.13% Unknown -31.50 -23.38
July / 2015 1656 101 9 -43 -7.82% Unknown -26.38 -19.70
June / 2015 1757 -175 52 -6 -3.77% Unknown -18.93 -8.59
May / 2015 1582 -80 58 -54 -3.79% Unknown -15.35 -8.30
April / 2015 1502 244 112 68 8.45% Unknown -11.56 -11.69
March / 2015 1746 -9 44 -48 -4.08% Unknown -14.38 -17.66
February / 2015 1737 35 92 50 4.84% Unknown -12.43 -9.56
January / 2015 1772 33 42 -34 -6.38% Unknown -13.58 -12.33
December / 2014 1805 -12 76 -27 -4.04% Unknown -8.05 -4.00
November / 2014 1793 29 103 7 -2.99% Unknown -1.54 2.59
October / 2014 1822 661 96 -54 -7.72% Unknown 0.43
September / 2014 2483 -1146 150 -7 -1.46% Unknown 14.40
August / 2014 1337 -222 157 -14 -0.19% Unknown 19.34
July / 2014 1115 782 171 7 1.50% Unknown 20.88
June / 2014 1897 -459 164 14 0.49% Unknown 26.00
May / 2014 1438 -383 150 -23 0.51% Unknown 16.59
April / 2014 1055 883 173 48 5.00% Unknown 19.61
March / 2014 1938 -374 125 -26 -1.89% Unknown 13.98
February / 2014 1564 268 151 35 3.46% Unknown 15.26
January / 2014 1832 162 116 6 -0.39% Unknown 9.71
November / 2013 1994 -377 110 -27 -1.05% Unknown 8.94
October / 2013 1617 0 137 New 5.13% Unknown 5.61


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Africa Sustainability Fund's best month was April 2016, ranked #1048 with a HedgeScore of 152 earning a 14.06% positive return of $2,711,198.

Africa Sustainability Fund's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #1009 with a HedgeScore of -19 taking a -7.95% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!