AIS Futures Fund LP 3X-6X

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1807
Current Score: 36
Current Rank: 1807
All-time Average Rank: 1762
All-time Average Score: 57
Max Drawdown: -37.95
Annualized Standard Deviation: 32.11
Year to Date Return: 21.71
5-Star Rating: 32.11

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1807 -118 36 -63 -2.56% Unknown -24.48 -82.26 $17,443,981
April / 2016 1689 -510 99 77 15.56% Unknown -25.67 -84.27 $17,893,423
March / 2016 1179 -245 22 -44 -3.55% Unknown -30.66 -84.30 $15,459,132
February / 2016 934 -58 66 0 4.45% Unknown -30.66 -81.67 $16,019,467
January / 2016 876 426 66 78 7.29% Unknown -38.89 -80.63 $15,324,079
November / 2015 1302 206 -12 -25 -15.65% Unknown -40.11 -75.46 $15,080,829
October / 2015 1508 90 13 -40 -8.05% Unknown -38.46 -69.61 $18,223,143
August / 2015 1598 84 53 84 3.87% Unknown -50.61 -46.55 $20,050,343
July / 2015 1682 111 -31 -52 -17.44% Unknown -57.74 -54.01 $19,289,227
June / 2015 1793 -133 21 -40 -1.26% Unknown -57.68 -36.38 $23,785,335
April / 2015 1660 117 61 55 7.79% Unknown -56.43 -43.61 $25,269,252
March / 2015 1777 68 6 8 -3.55% Unknown -59.09 -45.28 $23,419,787
February / 2015 1845 -123 -2 -73 -7.94% Unknown -56.76 -39.37 $24,270,697
January / 2015 1722 205 71 134 6.52% Unknown -44.24 -28.54 $26,425,581
December / 2014 1927 49 -63 -57 -6.10% Unknown -51.01 -51.93
November / 2014 1976 10 -6 -22 -13.32% Unknown -46.76 -50.38 $26,927,170
October / 2014 1986 1746 16 -6 -11.47% Unknown -42.39 -29.62 $31,202,465
September / 2014 3732 -1759 22 -37 -17.21% Unknown -41.89 -11.44 $35,745,516
August / 2014 1973 28 59 -12 -11.12% Unknown -40.44 18.91 $43,211,076
July / 2014 2001 1223 71 -37 -17.33% Unknown -20.84 25.76 $48,788,528
June / 2014 3224 -1395 108 -6 2.77% Unknown 1.74 61.56
May / 2014 1829 -682 114 -51 -5.13% Unknown -14.76 36.78 $57,912,796
April / 2014 1147 289 165 2 1.20% Unknown -15.08 132.55 $61,284,774
March / 2014 1436 -619 163 -48 1.96% Unknown -22.77 143.28 $60,675,104
February / 2014 817 1196 211 122 18.71% Unknown -24.08 182.77 $60,323,899
January / 2014 2013 24 89 -7 -6.42% Unknown -46.63 106.73 $50,820,455
November / 2013 2037 -173 96 12 -6.22% Unknown -40.94 63.39 $53,482,953
October / 2013 1864 0 84 New -10.70% Unknown -36.46 14.92 $57,432,793


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


AIS Futures Fund LP 3X-6X's best month was February 2014, ranked #817 with a HedgeScore of 211 earning a 18.71% positive return of $11,286,602.

AIS Futures Fund LP 3X-6X's worst month was July 2015 , ranked #1682 with a HedgeScore of -31 taking a -17.44% loss of -$3,364,041.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!