Apprecia Capital Fund I LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 259
All-time Average Score: 265
Max Drawdown:
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5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 246 -55 256 -8 4.19% Unknown 8.48 68.64 $9,261,911
March / 2016 191 77 264 86 11.07% Unknown 3.15 62.61 $8,794,401
February / 2016 268 45 178 11 -1.67% Unknown -6.03 45.18 $8,109,647
January / 2016 313 -96 167 -80 -8.46% Unknown -3.28 54.65 $8,250,286
November / 2015 217 -74 247 -35 -0.15% Unknown 8.09 89.96 $9,420,962
October / 2015 143 3 282 11 5.96% Unknown 10.03 93.52 $9,444,661
August / 2015 146 234 271 35 2.95% Unknown 4.14 118.90 $9,418,935
July / 2015 380 -192 236 -35 -1.59% Unknown 2.93 94.52 $9,099,473
June / 2015 188 156 271 24 2.22% Unknown 5.60 116.27 $9,345,954
May / 2015 344 62 247 12 -0.18% Unknown 3.87 86.83 $9,111,789
April / 2015 406 -127 235 -25 -0.94% Unknown 4.17 70.43 $9,172,047
March / 2015 279 23 260 -5 1.19% Unknown 7.04 84.42 $9,283,084
February / 2015 302 -29 265 11 1.21% Unknown 8.32 102.68 $9,382,063
January / 2015 273 -47 254 -23 -0.57% Unknown 12.30 112.20 $9,262,492
December / 2014 226 39 277 0 1.86% Unknown 9.67 111.65 $9,320,181
November / 2014 265 59 277 19 1.65% Unknown 9.66 126.22 $9,164,469
October / 2014 324 98 258 -1 -0.74% Unknown 15.39 127.67 $8,989,155
September / 2014 422 -193 259 -32 -2.83% Unknown 23.01 110.25 $9,111,084
August / 2014 229 -1 291 13 1.75% Unknown 29.28 129.50 $9,474,609
July / 2014 228 91 278 -5 0.97% Unknown 19.29 166.02 $9,547,291
June / 2014 319 -32 283 10 0.54% Unknown 28.18 212.88 $9,446,920
May / 2014 287 -109 273 -18 0.11% Unknown 23.95 201.33 $9,526,704
April / 2014 178 4 291 -13 1.79% Unknown 35.63 231.07 $9,525,860
March / 2014 182 -18 304 -16 2.40% Unknown 32.92 375.94 $9,588,919
February / 2014 164 169 320 56 4.93% Unknown 34.94 502.41 $9,333,084
January / 2014 333 -164 264 -57 -2.90% Unknown 32.61 336.49 $8,868,363
November / 2013 169 49 321 19 6.96% Unknown 47.30 297.64 $8,974,663
October / 2013 218 0 302 New 5.82% Unknown 43.33 184.69 $8,355,284


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Apprecia Capital Fund I LP's best month was March 2016, ranked #191 with a HedgeScore of 264 earning a 11.07% positive return of $973,540.

Apprecia Capital Fund I LP's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #313 with a HedgeScore of 167 taking a -8.46% loss of -$697,974.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!